Halloween on Mobius

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It was All Hallow's Eve for Sonic and the gang. Everywhere was bright orange and red and yellow. Sonic ran through Station Square, watching as everyone dressed up in their costumes and holding their candy sacks and buckets.
"Aw man, something tells me this Halloween is gonna be awesome!" He said. "And the best thing about this holiday, is that I'll spend it with all my friends!" He waa running where all his friends were. They were in Tails' workshop. "I wonder what everyone's gonna dress up as?" He asked himself. "When they see what I'm wearing, they're gonna love it!"
He then finally made it to the workshop. It wasn't decorated like everyone's house was. Just looked normal outside it. But inside he could tell, Tails would get all out with the decorating. He went to the door, and knocked. "Yo Tails! It's me Sonic!" He exclaimed, calling him. No one answered the door. He knocked again. "Tails! You there? You coming?" Still no one.
He was about to turn the knob, but he then saw the door knob start to jiggle. The door suddenly opened with a slow creaky sound. He looked inside, and saw that inside was all dark. He slowly stepped in and looked around carefully. He could barely see anything. He suddenly heard something. It sounded like...giggling. He was shivering a little as it sounded creepy. "Uh...T-Tails...? Anybody?" He asked slowly.
Suddenly, he heard footsteps. He turned around, but it was so dark he couldn't who it was. And then, he felt something cold up his back! He jumped forward and screamed a bit. As he screamed, he heard more laughing. "Okay Tails. You got me. Come out now!" He yelled. He turned around more and more, and then, he heard something. Finally, he looked at a lit candle close to him. He slowly picked it up and walked slowly. He walked slowly, holding the light, and looked more.
He waved the light in front of him, and just in front of him, his eyes widened as he saw a skeleton! He jumped and screamed and dropped the candle, causing the light to go out. "Oh shoot!" He screamed. Suddenly, all the lights turned on. "Surprise!"
He looked around, and saw most of his friends in their costumes, coming out.

Sonic's Halloween AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now