The Letter

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I brought the box inside, and set it on the counter. I opened it,  and instead of the T-shirt I was expecting it found a white, long sleeve shirt, a pair of cargo shorts,  a black jacket, a pair of tennis shoes and a letter. This was strange yet... Oddly exhilarating. I opened the letter and it read as follows:

Dear Amber ( forgot to mention, that's my name),  you are invited to 207 Wilmer drive, In exactly 3 days at 5 PM. You will wear what is in the box, nothing more nothing less. Refreshments and entertainment provided. Leave your phone at home. See you there
-Mr. H

Sketchy. But I was so intrigued, I had to go, I'd never forgive myself if I didn't go. Plus it's not like my parents would care, they were busy. I decided to go, because why not.
I was supposed to be there in 2 hours. I showered, brushed my hair and put the clothes from the box on, and left my phone on the table. The jacket was around my waist, because it was 75 degrees outside. I got into my car and drove to the stated address.
The door creaked open, to reveal a tall, athletic looking blond guy.  He was wearing the exact same outfit as me (different sizes obviously). He held up a letter similar to the one I got and said "you get one to?"  "Yeah" I answered, he nodded and gestured for me to come inside. I followed him into a large sitting room that looked like it was decorated 200 years ago. There was another guy sitting on the couch, he had black hair and Asian  features. The guy I walked in with sat down, "I'm Liam" He said, "and the sassy Asian dude over there is Clay". There was a pause before I remembered myself, " Oh,  I'm Amber" I said awkwardly. Laim gave a little wave "Nice to meet ya, Amber" " You too" I responded. Clay skipped the pleasantries completely "you got any clue why we're here?" He said looking less than excited to be there, and looked even less so when I responded "No". Well,  he's quite the happy camper. We sat in awkward silence for several minutes that seemed to last forever, when there was a knock on the door I rushed to answer, despretly wanting out of this awkwardness. Outside was a tall beautiful girl with red hair and green eyes, she looked like a runner. " Hi" She said way to energeticly " I'm Tracy, and you are... " She was too nice, I didn't trust her. "Amber" I said, trying to mask my annoyance at her perky, too perfect demeanor. She started talking, I tuned her out, she didn't seem to care she greeted the other two. And immediately introduced herself and started talking about "how exciting this was". Liam seemed happy someone was trying to start a conversation, but clay just scowled and rolled his eyes. What was I thinking, why did I think this was a good idea? Oh well too late to back out now. I heard a loud thump from upstairs, and so did everyone else. " What was that?!"exclaimed Tracy nervously. Suddenly any possible way out was covered by metal doors. And the room filled with a strange smell, Clay colapsed first earning a scream from Tracy. My eyes started to water and my heaf was spinning, and suddenly I was on the ground and everything went black.

Really hope you enjoyed this chapter! Starting to get good;) tell me whatcha think so far! ❤

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