Chapter 194

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With a little encouragement from Bella, Matt finally gave Gigi back to her mother and father. "Whenever you want, we can watch her again. In case, you need a date night or something."

Bam raised an eyebrow at Matt's offer to babysit. "Something I should be concerned about?"

Bella giggled as she told Savannah and Bam that Matt had become quite smitten with his niece. Bam seemed to be amused by his brother's increased attention in all things family. He jokingly suggested to Bella that they get busy on their homework.

At the little church in Hoonah, a small gathering of Browns convened for the christening of Georgia Grace. Matt and Bella stood side by side with Bam and Savannah as the local priest christened Georgia Grace. Bam and Savannah had decided some time ago to ask the couple to become Gigi's godparents. Although not legally binding, if anything were ever to happen to Bam and Savvy, it was now known that Matt and Bella would have permanent custody of Gigi.

Gigi fussed a bit as the blessed water ran down her forehead and through the strands of her dark hair. Savannah tried to calm her rocking her gently. One thing that everyone could guarantee is that Gigi would have her father's temperament. Bam traded duties with his wife taking Gigi in his arms. The concept of being responsible for something so little and helpless was daunting but he was beginning to understand exactly what the word father meant. It meant countless hours of worry, sleepless nights, and trying to set boundaries. Savannah had reassured him that it would also be filled with equal amounts of joy like first steps, first words, and being Gigi's first hero...a job indeed he would relish for the rest of her life.

Gabe apologized to the family for Augusta's absence. He was slightly embarassed to let them know of his wife's current situation compliments of the State of Alaska. He also had the unfortunate duty of informing the family of Bear and Stormy's ordeal. The joy of today's events turned somber as Bella and Savannah volunteered to go to the hospital to check on Bear and Stormy. Matt and Bam stepped up to held Gabe bail Augusta out of jail. Although Gabe didn't have much of a sense of humor regarding the ordeal, Bam couldn't help chuckle at the idea that he would be bailing his sister-in-law out of jail, after all, they were usually at each other like cats and dogs.

Georgia On My Mind-Michael Bolton

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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