A Struggle For Love

Start from the beginning

'Okay, Umm well can I have your number so we can make a time or something' I said smiling this has been the most I’ve spoken to anyone beside my dancers and Liz. It felt great.

'Here it' Liam started speaking but was cut off by Niall 'no, it's okay Liam. I'll give her mine' after we finished exchanging numbers I started to walk off. When I got about 2 metres away I looked back everyone had run off except Niall, he was still staring at me. I waved and walked around the corner to find Liz looking at chips. She grabbed salt and vinegar. My favourite. I went to put the shampoo in the trolley and bent down, I yelped.

'Hey hey, are you okay' she noticed me and helped straighten me up.

'Yeah fine, just remind me to make an appointment with a good spa place. I need a good message on my back. I didn't want to tell her about them just yet. I wanted to keep them my little secret.

Chapter 2

When we got home and put all the food away my phone vibrated on the counter but before I could get up from the lounge Liz had got it. She read it out

'Dear Jazz, I'm really sorry about today. I told you that I would get you and Danielle to meet up. She wants to know if she can see you now. -Liam'

'Who’s Liam?' She asked, this is exactly what I wanted to steer away from; Questions.

'He's just a guy' I said reaching for my phone. But she was too quick and moved it away.

'Oh, A guy' She said winking at me.

'No, He has a girlfriend, that’s who Danielle is. Dah' I snapped back.

'So he’s cheating on her with you?! I didn't know you were that type of girl?'

My face went red with anger. 'NO, He is a friend and he promised I could meet with his girlfriend because she’s a dancer. Like me!'

'Okay, God. I'm sorry' She said handing my phone to me. I took it and grabbed the car keys from the table and replied back to Liam’s text message.

'Hey Liam, where can I meet her?' As I hit send I slammed the front door in Liz's face. She needed to know to stay out of my business.

When I got to the address of the coffee shop that Liam sent me I saw the most massive head of curls. She was so pretty. I walked up to her, hoping I had the right person.

'Danielle?' I asked.

We spent at least 4 hours talking about dancing styles and what type of dance I was teaching and about the boys. She and Liam seemed perfect for each other. I wish I had someone like that.

'Alright, we’ll I think I’ve let my roommate feel guilty long enough now. So I guess I’ll be going, It was wonderful talking to you Danielle, And I hope we can do it again sometime' I stood up and so did Danielle, she pulled me into a hug.

'No problem Jazz, It was great talking to you' when we got to the door I said one last good-bye and watched Danielle walk up the street. 'Wait, Danielle. Would you like a ride back, I can't let you walk the streets this late.'

'No its fine, Im used to walking.' She stopped and smiled back at me.

'No really, I insist' I said walking towards her and put my arm through hers and pulled her towards my car.

She giggled 'okay, It is a bit chilly out here' She said pulling her jacket around her tighter. I never really noticed the coldness until she pointed it out. When we were in the car with the heater on, she directed me through the traffic and we stopped at a beautiful secluded house.

'Okay this is me' She said as she opened the door. Thanks for the ride home. Maybe you could come over tomorrow and we can spend more time together? The boys will be here so you can get to know them a bit more.'

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