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I was running. Running from something. Something evil, but good. It was horrible. Images passed me of family members and children. They are getting consumed by the monster. I could've saved them. Why not!? I couldn't. Couldn't move, run, or do ANYTHING. I was crying as I stopped and turned back. The thing was black like evil, but good. All my family members were safe. Everything was fine. Except for one thing. "Niall?!" I yelled. Where was that irish boy?! "NIALL?!" I kept calling out. No one could hear me. I felt the tears escape. "NIALL WHERE ARE YOU?!?" I screamed as I looked around. He wasn't there. He wasn't anywhere. I screamed and shouted but he never came. "NIALLLLL!" I screamed as everything went white. I uttered "Niall...." As my eyes snapped open. The irish boy was standing by my bed.

"Well? What are you waiting for! Let's go!" Niall said. "Where?!" I said, as this was sudden. "You don't know?" He asked sadly. "Nope." I answered truthfully. He looked down. This was my best friend. We were best friends since years ago. ~Flash back~ I was walking down the street humming the tune to Torn. It was my favorite song ever. I looked around while I was jogging. This was a safe neighborhood.... If New York was safe. I was loaded with pepper spray and other things to keep me safe, but I don't know how to use half the stuff. I am eight, after all. I rode the ferry to the statue of liberty. Walking up the steps-there were a lot of steps. I looked around to see the New Yorkers. My sister was waiting at the end of the staircase. I waved. "Hey Summer!" I said, waving.

She nodded and gave me a high five. Together, we jogged around lady liberty- being the idiots we are- singing torn louder than ever before. I closed my eyes and felt the New York sunshine on my shoulders- until I felt something that wasn't sunshine. I flew back and my walker flew to the ground and smashed. "NO! Hey! Watch where you're going you freak!" I let slip before I covered my mouth. I have a very short temper. Summer stood next to me. I just now realized how awsome her hair is. It's like fire red, blazing, with her Hazel eyes in addition. "You're paying for that!" I yelled, standing up to see who did it. No one was there. We were on Lady Liberty's crown, at the top. By the edge. "Hello?" I said to the befoofled New Yorkians. "Help!" I heard someone scream.

I swallowed. I looked over the edge to see a small boy hanging over the edge, just hanging on with his elbows. "Help me!" He yelled to me. I reached out my hand. His hair was brown then, and he had the most beautiful blue eyes. I quickly pulled him up. "I bumped into you and nearly fell off lady liberty!" He said, smiling. Summer stared. "Awkward...." She whispered. I looked at him. "You owe me a new walker" I said, falling to the ground, picking up the peices being stepped on by tourests. "I don't have money." He said. "Well get some!" I said. "I don't even know your name..." He answered, helping me. Summer bent down to help us. "I'll be right back." She said, giving me the peices and headed down the stairs. "Well I am Allison Dearly. Pleased to meet you." I said, holding out my hand. "Niall Horan." He answered, shaking it.

"My sister over there is Summer. She is crazy, but in good intentions." I said, pulling my hand away. "I can see. Nothing says bad about red hair." Niall said back, picking up the last of the peices. He handed them to me. "What's your phone number?" He asked. "Woah! Personal!" I answered jokingly. "No! I think we can be friends!" He answered back. "Fine!" I said, writing down my phone number on a flyer, and handing it to him. He nodded, gave a cheeky smile and said "Bye." As I walked away. I looked around for Summer and found her talking to some taco vender guy. "I didn't know you could VEND tacos!" She said, awing. "You can't!" He answered. He seemed annoyed. "Well you are!" She said. He gave her a dirty look. "Go away little girl!" He yelled. "Don't speak to me in that tone! I will get my twin! She has pepper spray!" She yelled.

I sighed. Summer and the taco vender guy in an argument. Again. "Summer!" I called. "We WILL be back." She answered, keeping her eyes and him as she walked away. "You need to stop fighting with those vending guys!" I said, giving her a dirty look. "You're the one with the blonde hair!" She yelled. I was befoofled. "What does hair color have to do with anything?!" I yelled. It was true. I had bleach blonde hair and green eyes. "It has everything to do with it." She told me. I laughed. Suddenly something jumped on top of me, pushing my New York cap off. All I saw was a hand reach for the cap slowly. "Hey boy I don't know!" Summer answered. "Niall!" He yelled at her. I looked up to see Niall, wearing my cap, sitting on top of me. "GET OFF ME YOU POTATO CHIP!" I yelled.

"Can I walk you home?" Niall asked. "NO!" I yelled. "It's dangerous! You two girls need a man to protect you!" He yelled at me. "JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE WEARING PINK SHORTS DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE A MAN!" I yelled. I turned so I was on top of him. "Ha!" I yelled. He turned and topped me. "Where is your family?" I asked. I turned so I was topping him. "They said I could wander!" He said, turning so he was on top of me. Summer jumped on top of both of us. "Fine. You can-but only so I can protect YOU Mr. Pink shorts." I said, grabbing my hat back. We walked to my house. "I'm going to chill with you for a little while." He said, sitting on the couch with some chicken my dad got from KFC. I sighed. There is no stopping Niall Horan from following us.

~Flash forward to my thirteenth birthday~ Summer and I stood at the cake. Too bad my best friend is in Ireland. He wrote a letter saying a suprise was in the mail, and that he couldn't come because he had to tend to stuff. Summer and I stood on either side of the cake. We huffed in air and blew on the cake. In my mind I thought 'I wish Niall would just buy me a new mp3 player to replace the walker'. Yes. That was my wish. Suddenly a clink went through the door. We walked over. A small box lay. I picked it up and cut it open. I saw it was from Niall. I picked up the card and held it inbetween Summer and I. "Have a nice birthday, from- no Love, Niall. Open the card NOW!" I silently laughed. "Laughing Like Niall I see." Summer said. The moment LLN was born. I started clapping like a retarded seal. "Wait-" I said, realizing I WAS.

I opened the envolope and realized what it was. This was how Niall and I got so very close. Inside the envolope was five papers. One was a house, a house he bought for us. A gaped at his kindness. The other four were tickets. Plane tickets. We are now going to live in Ireland. MULLINGAR Ireland. I showed my parents and we packed our things, and flew off to Ireland. ~End of flash backs~

What the heart wants (Niall Horan fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin