Nightmares } Markus x Reader

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You are the daughter a Carl Manfred. After being in an abusive relationship you come back to live with your father. Even though you escaped the physical clutches of abuse your mental state is fractured.

*Your P.O.V*


I walked through my childhood home looking for something when I heard a crash. I jogged to the living room to check it out. Nothing seemed out of place so I went to go back to the kitchen.
I got to the kitchen and saw Markus. "Hello Markus," I greeted the Android. "Good morning Y/N. I hope you slept well?" I smiled at him, "That I did Markus." 

We heard a crash but this sound like metal. Markus and I dashed to the studio as my father was in there. "Stay behind me Y/N," Markus said. I did as the Android instructed. We walked into the studio, seeing a shelf knocked over. "Jarred you need to get out of here before we call the police," my brother Leo said as he stood in front of our dad. (In the dream Leo doesn't do drugs)

My ex scoffed, "I'm not leaving until I get what is mine." "Y/N, left you. Get out!" My father yelled. I saw Markus's LED flash yellow, he had notified the police. He stepped in to the fight hoping he might get through to him. "Jarred, you need to go," Markus said, being calm. Jarred looked at him. "Why should I listen to you you fucking hunk of plastic?" I was going to defend Markus but he grabbed my hand saying wasn't a good idea. "Markus, don't engage." 

When Markus didn't respond to him he pulled out a gun. I saw Markus's LED flash red before it went back to blue. I couldn't let him kill Markus. "Jarred don't!" I got out of his grasp and got in front of him. "Y/N! What are you doing, get out of here!" "No dad!" I looked to Jarred, "Jarred I'll go with you just don't hurt them.." "What are you doing Y/N?" Markus whispered. I didn't answer as I saw Jarred think about it. "You know, maybe I'll take you up on your offer," he held out his hand and I took it. 

Markus grabbed my arm trying to stop me. I looked at him apologetically and ripped my arm away. As I got to Jarred he spun me around holding me in place, "Or maybe I'll shoot them all right in front of you." His voice was no louder than a whisper but my eyes went wide with fear. He quickly shoot Leo, "Leo!" My father got out of his wheelchair and crawled to his dead son, "Leo? Leo no.." Jarred pointed the gun at my father, "Jarred don't! Jarred kill me!" I begged him. "Can't do that sweetheart," he shot my father. "NO!"  Tears flowed down my face.

"Y/N.." "Markus.. I'm sorry.." "It's not your fault." Jarred's gripped tightened, "Any last words you wanna say to this damn thing?" I looked Markus in his pale green eyes, but looked away ashamed of my feelings. "All right," Jarred pulled the trigger, hitting Markus in the chest.

*End of Nightmare*

"Markus!" I sat bolt up right covered in a cold sweat. The door flew open, "Y/N! Y/N are you all right?" I looked up to meet the pale green eyes I feel in love with. My arms flew around Markus's neck. He hesitantly hugged back, "It's okay Y/N. I'm right here." His voice was always calming. 

I pulled back from the embrace. I didn't know that tears fell down my cheeks until Markus wiped them away. "Nightmare?" I nodded, bringing my knees to my chest. He sat on the bed, "Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head, burying my face in my arms. "Y/N, your anxiety levels are high. Was it..him again?" Markus almost seemed hesitant in asking. I nodded, to scared to speak. He hooked his arm underneath my knees and sat me in his lap. My arms were instantly around is neck. I felt his hand rub the scars that adorned my left thigh, "He can't hurt you anymore." I just hugged him tighter. "Y/N, what happened in your dream?" I took in a deep breath. "He killed you, all of you.." My left hand went to his chest. "It was so real Markus.." 

*Third Person P.O.V* 

The Android felt something in his chest as her tears hit neck and her body shook with fear. "But it wasn't. I'm right here. Carl is in the other room sound asleep," he place his hand on hers. She still shook, "Markus.. I can't loose you." He felt something else in his chest he couldn't place it. But he knew he couldn't loose her either. Other than Carl, you were his only family. "I can't loose you either Y/N." 

She looked up at him, her (e/c) eyes meeting his green ones. "Markus, in the dream, he asked if I had any last words for you.." This peaked his interest, but he kept quiet. She took in a deep, shaky breath, "I couldn't say anything. I was to ashamed." Markus felt a little sad at her sentence. Y/N, took in the on the Android's face. "I was ashamed because I knew that you wouldn't feel the same." He became confused, "I don't understand." She sighed, "Markus... I love you.." She looked away from him, knowing his programming doesn't let him feel emotions. 

But Markus felt something he was hoping it was what he thought it was. "Y/N," he pulled her face up to see her. "I love you too." She was confused, "But Markus, your programming.." "Y/N, ever since you came home covered in bruises and cuts... I.. I started feeling things," he said, almost nervous. "Like?" He look her in the eye, "Fear.. anger.. confusion... guilt... and what I deduced to be love." Her eyes brimmed with tears as she looked at him. Markus brushed away the tears that fell and brought her in for a sweet and tender kiss. 

When they pulled away Y/N yawned. "You should probably sleep." She nodded and got off of Markus's lap. As she laid down Markus got up to leave. She grabbed his hand, "Markus please stay... I feel safer when you're here." The android smiled and got back in bed with her. She snuggled to his side and he placed an arm around her. As she feel into a peaceful sleep, no nightmares at all. But with her new robotic boyfriend she would never have them again.

                                                                The End

(a/n: i hope you guys like it. if you have suggestions please comment them.)

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