"can you guys shut the fuck up?" i questioned as i looked at the two idiots standing across the room unloading paper bags, "stevens trying to sleep."

izzy looked over at steven and flashed a guilty smile before returning to putting away food, slashs gaze never left mine as he cocked an eyebrow at me.

"take a picture, curls." i spoke to him, clearly annoyed, he just scoffed and shook his head at me, making himself busy while putting away groceries.

steven sat up from the couch and scratched his head in confusion as he looked around the room, a bit confused at his whereabouts but not too concerned once he realized where he was. he stood up and walked into the kitchen to get some coffee, his hair was absolutely wild and all over the place as he poured himself some hot coffee and sat at the table with axl and i.

not much later duff and sam came busting through the front door, i looked over in their direction and noticed a few small leaves in sams hair, both their clothes messy, duffs hair out of whack. i shook my head and handed axl a five dollar bill, he won the bet. axl laughed as he took the bill from my hand and placed it in his boxers.

"how was the walk, you guys?" axl asked as he set down the newspaper and looked over at the two guilty friends. a soft giggle leaving sam as she gazed up at duff.

"yeah man, it was um, it was pretty good." duff laughed softly, obviously hiding something from us as sam disappeared into duffs room. duff came over and sat down across from me, a smile plastered across his face as he looked at the three other people occupying the table.

i felt anger toward my brother, he was spending more time with sam than he was with me, in a way i understood but at the same time it wasn't fair whatsoever. he was my brother and i had been waiting forever to see him and spend time with him. i wanted to say something but the better person in me fought the urge and i stayed quiet.

"what do you guys say we go apartment hunting?" duff spoke, finally breaking the silence that wasn't filled with coffee cups being picked up, drank from, and soon to be sat back down. my eyes went wide as i finally processed the words he had spoken.

"i mean, yeah." i nodded and the other boys joined in as well, no matter how much they loved this apartment they knew they needed a new one because this one was far too small. it would also be a nice change to have a real bed and room to call my own.

"we can all go today," axl spoke, "once the two dumbasses over there stop fuckin around we can leave." axl yelled out as he threw the rolled up newspaper at the idiots in the kitchen.

"aye, just because we got better game than you doesn't mean you can insult us." slash laughed, izzy joining in soon after.

"slash what the fuck are you talking about?" axl asked, clearly baffled at the insult that wasn't remotely true. "when was the last time you got laid?"

"i might make you jealous." slash smirked, both of their testosterone levels disgustingly high as they were about to argue who has more sex. "but it was pretty recent and with hea-"

"calm your macho show down, boys." i quickly interrupted slash and stood up, "let's just go look for a new apartment." i demanded as i walked to my suitcase and pulled on a pair of my shorts, i tied off slashs shirt and put on my shoes.

i don't know how but the boys managed to break at least one thing at the five apartments we looked at today. some were pretty nice and others not so much, i personally liked the fourth one but my decision wasn't exactly what we would base it upon. once we all got back home everyone was tired and totally spend, walking all around california wasn't exactly ideal but it made do.

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