one-june 30th

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today was the day. all my friends get to the cabin for 2 weeks of unsupervised teenage fun. the cabin was in west north carolina, overlooking the green waters of the fontana lake i was so familiar with. it was a big part of my childhood and from 11 to now, this was the place i spent my summers. it was owned by a family friend who let me borrow it for a while. i seriously can not believe i got away with this.

i texted the group chat to see how far away they were. sophia was driving with jack, jeremy, and finn; while chosen drove the rest of the boys.

i had to change the name of this group chat bc my mom got mad

where are you guys? don't
let me become a lonely
mountain man up here

i'm driving up the mountain
but idk about chosen

get off ur phone before
you drive off a cliff this
is supposed to be a nice

someone in chosen's truck
please share ur whereabouts

just passed the train tracks,
idk how far that is tho

that's close! just a few more

park by the front door to unload
but after that go to the wooden
blocks by the walkway to the

jack in the box:
hey guys i just threw up


i know. i just witnessed

get off ur phone and look out
the window it helps. trust me.

pulling in!

i ran outside to help them with they're luggage and i'm greeted with a big figure wrapping their arms around me.

"it's good to see you cho- wyatt?" i pulled back and it was indeed not chosen, it didn't even cross my mind that it was wyatt! he grew so much i could barely recognize him, and he cut his hair -thank god- he had really grown into himself. i regained my thoughts and hugged him back. "oh, wyatt!"

"good ol' [y/n]. i needed to see your face again." he said.

i blushed and started walking to the car to unpack.


once all the others had arrived and we were settled in, i decided to take a better look around the place. as soon as i walked in the front door, there were two stairways to the sides of me, the one on the right going down to the basement and the left going up to the loft. on this level was also the living room, the kitchen and dining room, the balcony (that had a sick view of the lake), and the master room as well as another bedroom, each with bathrooms of their own.

going downstairs to the basement was the entrance to the garage, a single bedroom with a bathroom, another living room with a pullout couch, an air hockey and foosball table, and a bedroom with two bunk beds with one regular bed, all in the same room with a bathroom right outside along with the laundry room.

     and all the way up in the loft was just a bed, a pullout couch, and a pool table, as well as many windows.

     i had to say, this is a huge house, and [y/n] did a pretty good job with it.

"wyatt! get over here we're choosing beds!" someone called from inside, i think it was jaeden.

     i opened the sliding glass door and walked into the refreshing air conditioning from the balcony.

"i don't understand why we can't just race to the beds we want and if you don't get there in time, well, sucks that be you." jack suggested.

"or we could go in order of cutest, that way i get to go first!" finn chimed.

"no," [y/n] started, "this is how it's done. i have a bag of with the names of all the beds in a bag and we will choose. do keep in mind that there will be duplicates for the master, and the bedroom by the kitchen and the bedroom downstairs. there will also be empty beds, no switching, or we'll kick you out."

"really?" sophia asked.

"no, but you'll be warned and also no dessert."

     she left the living room to get the bag. she talked so professionally and like she'd done this a million times before, which she probably had.

"ok alphabetical order, and i'll go last since i'm picking, chosen, you're first."

chosen rubbed his hands together and reached deep in to the bag. he pulled it out and read aloud, "downstairs top bunk #1" he seemed satisfied enough.

next was finn who chose master bedroom, then jack who also got master bedroom, that would be fun. after that came jaeden who was  downstairs bottom bunk #1, jeremy was downstairs pullout couch, sophia was downstairs bedroom, and almost lastly i pulled out upstairs bedroom.


     it was my turn to choose. i knew exactly what was left; downstairs top or bottom bunk #2, downstairs single bed, upstairs bedroom with wyatt, loft bed and loft pullout couch. one of these choices is where i would be staying for the next two weeks. maybe we would rotate?

     i put my hand in and swirled the pieces of paper around with my fingers until they finally larger on to a single one. i opened the folds and my heart skipped a beat.

"upstairs bedroom." i looked at wyatt for a split second; he was already staring at me. "alrighty then. get your belongings and set them up, it's gonna be a wild one."

     as i said this finn and jack winked at each other and i shuddered. i grabbed my bag which was nearly bursting for i had over packed, yet again, and dragged it only a few feet to the bedroom i would be sharing with wyatt.

     it wouldn't be so hard, right? we'd known each other for such a long time it'd be just like when we were kids.

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