Ch. 1.3 Jabs Back and Forth

Start from the beginning

"Are you helping me clean the office tonight or not?" Alex asked and her voice pulled him back to the present.

Alex had garnered the job of cleaning the doctors' office on Foucher Street. She had agreed to stay on as front desk receptionist if they would forgive some erratic absences and let her clean the office late at night for cash. Desperation and gratitude on the office manager's part sealed the deal.

The first time, Cale, his middle brother, had helped her clean, but once Rile found out that she split the money with him, Rile came every time.

He was determined that Alex would keep this job. One, he liked the money and two, he liked time alone with Alex.

Rile did not put his sweats back before they cleaned the office. He moved all sorts of heavy furniture for Alex to vacuum under, but she fixed her eyes on the floor.

"I'll only admire your muscles if you scrub the bathroom," she told him at length, thoroughly defeating him.


When they finished, the cash for cleaning was in its usual spot and Rile was hot to spend it.

"I thought you were saving for the latest gaming system," Alex said.

"You're right. I'll wait."

"You know Gabe will be unhappy over a video gaming system."

"It'll be worth it. We had a lot of fun when we rented that Wii the last time he and Cale took off camping. I pulverized you at dodge ball."

"I made up for it at bowling," Alex said. "You don't have the patience to guide the ball."

"I'll practice that bowling game so I can beat you at that, too," Rile said.

"Can you practice patience?" Alex asked in her too-sweet Southern accent designed to annoy.

"I can."

The intensity of his look stopped Alex's breath until her chest hurt. It was how their life was now: verbal fencing with painful jabs and parries.

I wonder if that was all Rile's life had ever been.

"Let's go." Alex looked away, losing the match. "I'm looking forward to the best part of the night: trawling for scum. There are some promising dark alleys around the doctor's office."

Rile remembered that Alex once called him an adrenaline junkie. All Rile knew was that he loved the thrill of the fight, the pounding of his heart, and seeing Alex at her best. On the streets she was strong, courageous, and euphoric herself. She was the adrenaline junkie.

Alex carefully set the alarm and locked the door when they left the office. Two figures stood by the dumpster behind the office.

"Gabe! Cale!" Alex rushed to hug Gabe. It always grounded her, calmed all the waves that Rile stirred up.

"You didn't check in or answer our call, so we came here." Gabe awkwardly patted her on the back and stepped away.

I forgot he doesn't like us to touch in public or in front of his brothers. I know what I am to him. I made my deal with the devil and no use whining about it.

"Sorry, I forgot to turn my cell phone back on after class," Alex said in a sincere tone

"Me, too." Rile's tone was not.

"What are you wearing?" Gabe's gaze raked over his brother's outfit.

"He didn't tell you either that he intended to work out?" Alex put her hands on her hips.

I am not taking the blame for this.

"No. Let's eat at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse," Gabe said. "I brought formal clothing appropriate for that restaurant for Rile."

Alex was puzzled at the sudden change in topic, but was delighted. Gabe rarely suggested eating out and he was always in a good mood after eating steak.


In the restaurant, the bottle of wine went quickly, but not quickly enough for a second bottle to be ordered.

Alex had learned that only Rile would drink martinis with her. The steaks were thick and succulent and everyone looked happy when they finished, Rile included.

When the bill came, Alex took out her credit card, but Gabe shook his head.

"Rile, use your money from cleaning the office," Gabe said.

Alex wished that she had ordered those martinis. She expected Rile to explode, but he only glared at Gabe and put his wad of cash on the table. It wasn't enough and she added hers.

Does Gabe suspect about the gaming system or is he just aggravating his brother?

As they walked out, Gabe told Rile, "I'm not stupid and I'm not unobservant. Sometimes I give you enough rope to hang yourself."


To Alex's and Cale's relief, Rile went straight to bed instead of fighting with Gabe. Alex and Gabe walked up to her apartment.

Now Gabe would allow her to hug him. Alex wasn't angry with him, for her heart knew that she wasn't good enough to be touched in public. Or kissed anywhere or anytime.

She had to juggle with Gabe and couldn't swamp him with all her desires and needs.

I want all of him, but I've made a deal with the devil of pragmatism to only take so much and no more.

"Sit on the couch with me," Gabe said. "I'll scratch your back." He held up his claws in invitation.

Alex jumped on the couch. She sat with her back to Gabe. "Have at it. Right between the shoulder blades. Itchiest spot."

Gabe obliged and carefully reached under Alex's blouse with a minimum of lifting,  and scratched for several minutes.

"That's fine." Alex turned around and pushed him back on the couch. "Now lie back and relax." She ran a glowing hand under his shirt. "Don't worry. I'll behave myself."

"You always do." Gabe ran gentle claws down her back.

Alex snuggled next to him and lazily stroked his chest. Gabe propped his head with one arm and stared out of the window.

"Don't look so sad," Alex said. "We're temporary: just while you're here."

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

"Only way I would have it." Alex tapped his chest. "Now cheer up."

"I was thinking about home. About Father. About how I failed him, Mama Sarai, everyone."

Alex lifted up on one elbow. "What? I thought you said that you came back from hunting and everyone had been killed. How is that your fault?"

"I shouldn't have taken Rile and Cale hunting. I should have been home."

"Yeah, home to be slaughtered like everyone else," Alex said. "Pardon my disbelief, but whatever killed your clan would not have been stopped by three more swords."

"You don't know that," Gabe said.

"Gabe, your entire clan was murdered. How could the three of you have stopped that?" Alex searched his face. "What kind of egomaniac are you?" She poked his chest with a glowing finger.

Gabe held her finger. "Not an egomaniac. My responsibility."

Alex snuggled back next to him. "You three wouldn't have made a difference. You weren't even Guardians then. No more talking. There's tonight and us. Then you'll return home and restart the clan, make Cale and maybe even Rile, happy.  You'll make your Father proud." She ran a glowing hand down his shoulder and arm.

It's not sex. Not violating any moral rules. It's comfort for both of us. Then he'll return home to his future and I'll die fighting. As I planned.



Did I succeed in showing Gabe's not really a bad guy?

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