Chapter 9 proposal part 1

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A/N this is gonna be 2 parts one in y/n POV and one in Jacks POV this one is Y/N POV

I woke up feeling like a million dollars. I saw Jack still sleeping and woke him up to a kiss on the lips.
"Morning beautiful!" he said looking at me with tired eyes.
"Morning babe I'm gonna go take a shower there's one downstairs you can use. I got up and got undressed wrapping a towel around myself and showered feeling the nice warm water on my back. I got out and put myself in shorts and a shirt and ran down to eat a muffin and milk. Jack was with me and looked fresh and clean shaven and cleaned himself up really well.
"you two get done and get dressed I want pictures before you two leave." my mom said cleaning up out plates. We both walked upstairs and pulled out our suit and dress. Jack threw in his suit and looked amazing.
"will you tie my tie babe? " I walked up to him in my dress.
"if you zip me up. " I said he zipped me up and I tied his tie looking in his eyes. He kissed me on the forehead.
"I gotta do my makeup and hair. " I said going to the bathroom and getting ready. After I was done I walked out and Jacks mouth was wide open.
"you look beautiful!" he said as I saw drool coming out of his mouth. I threw on my heals and walked downstairs with him.
"You two look amazing and y/n you look beautiful and Jack you look very handsome. " my mom said looking at us. We took pictures then headed to the school for the graduation ceremony. Jack and I threw on our robes and caps on. I was a few people after Jack. After a 45 minute speech it was time to call names up. After 1 hour of names it was finally Jacks turn.
"Seán William McLoughlin" our principal said.
Seán? I thought he never said his name was seán. Well you learn something new everyday. I stood up and clapped like everyone else did and smiled at him walking back down and sitting back in his seat. After three more people they called me.
"y/n m/n l/n" my principal said as people called and Jack followed behind me as people were smiling.
I was more then confused about what was happening. I went with it. I shook my principals hand and smiled to see my parents crying tears of joy.
"P/n may I have the mic for a second I need to ask this young lad something" I heard Jack say as p/n nodded.
"y/n I love you so much you have been my joy, my happiness, and the reason I wake up every morning. And I wanted to ask you a question. " he said all of this looking at me and reaching in his robe. He got down on one knee and pulled out a box.
"will make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" he said opening the box for me to see a beautiful blue ring. I was shocked and looked in the crowd and people recording this. I looked at Jack with happy tears and said yes. Everyone clapped, whistled, and screamed. Jack put the ring on my hand and got up and kissed me.
"I love you y/n and I am ready to spend the rest of my life with you. " he said hugging me.
"I love you too" I said walking off the stage with him. I was so happy I've never been this happy before I love Jack and was so happy I was going to be his forever and always.

A/N: do you guys like this chapter I will be making jacks POV asap but I want to say thanks for over 50 reads it may not be a lot but to me this makes me really happy and encourages me. Those of you who like smut I made a smut book of Jack so if you want to read that then I'll let you go hope you enjoyed and love you guys!

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