chapter 3

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aquald: so your perants are villains
stephaine and Artemis: yeah
conner: and batman let you be heros?
stephaine: we hate our dad's
Artemis: and we promised to try and stop them
m'gann: so have you....
m'gann was about to say when. a scream was heard coming from robin.  everyone was looking at him. he was tosing  and turning in his sleep..
m'gann: what is happening?
damiab: Grayson is having a night terra
aqualad: is he hurt?
stephaine: no
stephaine and Damian run over to dick and hold him down. dick starts screaming in his sleep..
dick:  mămică! tata! Nu!!!  (mum dad no)
m'gann: what is he saying?
Damian, Artemis  and wally look at stephaine becasue they knew she could speak Romanian.
stephaine: he said. mum dad no. 
damian: oh no. he is having that dream again.
dick: N-ar fi trebuit să mor (i should have died not you)
stephaine: yep defiantly having that dream.  dick trebuie să te trezești este doar un vis. (you need to wake up its just a dream)
dick: wally, stephaine, mic D. sunt eu. vă rugăm să nu plecați. Mă pot înveseli. Nu voi mai plânge (wally, stephaine, little D. it's me. please do not leave. I can cheer up. I will not cry anymore)
stephaine: nu vom pleca. acum trezesc! (we won't leave!) 
dick: bruce. vă rog ... Știu că sunt slab. (Bruce please i know i am weak)
stephaine:nu ești slab.  acum trezesc!  (you are not weak. now wake up)
dick shot up as he woke up.
stephaine: calm down dick it's ok. it was just a dream.  
dick looked at her
stephaine: demon sporn. go make his  chocolate
Damian runs off to make hot chocolate
m'gann: are you ok richard?
dick: yes. I'm fine. it was just a night terra 
aqualad: you say that  like you have them a lot. my friend.
dick: i do.
conner: what was that langue?
dick: Romanian. 
Damian comes in with the hot chocolate
dick: no thanks little D
wally: please drink or eat something
dick: no.
m'gann: you sure your ok?
dick: yes I'm fine. nothing's wrong. just leave me alone.
he runs off to his room and locks the door. no one knows the code to  unlock it.
stephaine: dick!!
artemis: what is happening?
stephaine: i don't know.
Damian: do you have a way of watching him in his room?
aqualad: yes
wally: let's watch what he does
they put dick's room's secrat camera. and watch him

what will dick do? what will they fine out? read they next chapter to find out.

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