chapter 2: Escape.

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3 years later

Angelina's aka Zalgo's daughter's P.O.V: 

I threw on my cape and put all my belongings into my endless purse. I grabbed my iPod and played my playlist starting with Never too late by three days grace. I opened my window and jumped out trying not to wake anyone since it was the night. I landed on my feet and headed to a portal. I ran thinking about a human city. As soon as I went through the portal I ended up in a human town. Well since I look like them I might as well fit in. I enrolled myself in a high school then some lady brought me to an orphanage I guess I'm living there until I'm an adult. After being introduced to the children in the orphanage and showed to my room I decided to head to bed since it was a Sunday and I was excited about school.

Zalgo's P.O.V: 

Something's wrong, I can feel it. I carefully get out of bed trying not to wake my beloved wife, my beloved Jessica. And head towards my daughter's room. I heard a creak from the window then I ran, I would have teleported but I wasn't fully awake and didn't want to accidentally scare my daughter. I open the door to see the window open and my daughter missing. "Where is she?! Where is my daughter?!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and obviously woke up my sleeping wife.

"Where the hell is who?" She asked walking to me then she sent out an ear piercing scream when she realized that it was our daughter who was missing. Then those screams turned to cries.

"No matter how long it takes, I will find our little girl and bring her home. I promise." I stated to my wife trying to ease her-no, the both of our pain. I just hope that we can find her because now all we have left of her is an old family photo from when she was 3.

 I just hope that we can find her because now all we have left of her is an old family photo from when she was 3

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My sweet daughter... please... please come home.

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