"Am I A Monster?"

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You were a normal kid. You had both parents with well paying jobs, a house that wasn't too big but not too tiny, you went to school, made friends, and even have a best friend named (y/b/f/n).

When you were 6 or 7, you found a lighter that your uncle had. Despite being told not to play with fire multiple times, something told you to open it. So without thinking you flicked it open and watched the flame appear. You admired the fire, the orange redish color it illuminated and the way it would move with any breeze or breathe that passed it. Being the 6 year old that you were you touched it...but nothing happened. It didn't burn you, it didn't even make you flinch. The fire began to move to the palm of your hand. Startled, you stopped the fire and threw the lighter. After that you always believed it was just a dream, a figment of your imagination.

When you were 10-13 you were taken to the doctors for a regular check up but the doctors noticed something. Your body temperature. It always stayed at a dangerous level of 105. You weren't sick though and you felt fine but your skin was hot to the touch. Doctors tried putting you on medicine to lower it to a normal 98 but nothing worked. Every time you went back to the hospital your mom made the doctors not take your temperature. They refused saying that it was vital to a check up especially since yours was so high but your mom kept fighting them to not do it. With that you never went back. A "special" doctor, as your mom liked to call him, came to your house to give you check ups.

At 18 a small fire started in your house, nothing too bad just the toast caught on fire because you left it in there too long. Without hesitation you put your hands out to the fire. It crawled up onto your hands and up your bare arms. Your mom walked in as you stood there with a terrified expression. Noticing your mom the fire slowly died down to nothing. She looks at you with a stern face. "Come with me."

Sitting on your bed, your mom explains to you why that happened. "You have the ability to control fire at your own will. Your family, on your dad's side, was known for this, but it started skipping generations. Your great grandfather had the power but your grandfather didn't, nor did his kids. With that we thought the gene had wore off. But I guess not." You sit staring blankly at a wall trying to take in all the words being thrown at you. Taking your shoulders and looking into your (e/c) eyes she continues. "What you have is not somethingto mess with. Fire is dangerous but it can be beautiful if used the right way. Learn how to control it and you will be fine, but if not, everything you ever loved will crumble." You sit shaking with questions swarming in and out of your head. Looking down at your hands, you begin to cry. "Am I a monster?" Your mother pulls you into a hug and strokes your hair. "No."
(A/N) Hey guys! The first chapter is now heerrrreeee. I got bored so I decided Loki wouldn't be so bad to write. Also don't worry this one won't be as sad as the Bucky one (Maybe. Depends on how I'm feeling.) Also if you haven't read my Bucky x chubby reader you should, it's good but you don't have to. So I hope you enjoy this one, and thank you for reading!

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