2 - hiding secrets

Start from the beginning

We all walked out to where the cloud was formed and saw the Lady. We all stopped in front of her. "I knew you'd come." She said  walking closer to us. She had on dark makeup and wore a wicked smile but I knew that smile. I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "If you knew we'd come. Why go through with it?" Steve said. "Because I am stronger than you." She said. I knew that voice too. "I see new faces." She said as she panes us and stopped at me. My eyes widened as did hers. It was Emily. Tears formed in my eyes. "What are you doing?" Sam asked. She stopped looking at me to look at Sam. "Doing my mother a favor." She said and charged at him. They fought and we all got ready to fight. She whipped out two long swords. "I know those Swords." Thor said. He charged at her. "You're Helas daughter!!!!" He yelled at her. "The one and only she said head butting him. He flew back. She went to stab Steve but Peter Webbed her sword and pulled it. She was about to stab him but I put my hand out and stopped it. They all looked at me. Tears started falling out of my eyes. "I don't want to fight you." I said. She tried stabbing him again but I moved my hand to the left and she flew back. She got up and I But my hand out and she flew to me and I grabbed her by her neck. "But I will if I have to." I slammed her to the ground and backed away. "Give up." I said to myself. She got up and backed away. she put both of her arms out and those dead guys came back.

They attacked us. We were fighting but there was so many and it was taking up time. "No! Bullshit!" I yelled and levitated myself and closed my eyes. I opened them and instead of this my iris being purple my entire eye was a glowing purple. My arms were the same black just faded to purple. I pushed out my hands and all of them blew up. I fell feeling weak but I was caught. I looked at who caught me and it was Peter. He still had the mask on and I slightly smiled at him. He set me down and held me. Emily came back. She walked out in front of us. She looked down at me with. Look of disgust. She grabbed me by my chin and lifted me up. "You almost killed me." She spat. I looked at her with tears. "Luckily I'm Immortal." She said. She flew up into the air and threw me into multiple buildings.
Everything went black.

Peters pov
The lady grabbed Andrea by the chin and lifted her into the air. She threw Andrea into multiple buildings. "No!!!!!" I screamed. I shot webs on buildings to get her, ignoring the protests of Mr. Stark. I swung and swung until I saw her. I saw her against a huge pile of debris and some more on top of her. I got down and ran to her. I pulled everything off of her and pulled her onto my lap. She had a bloody nose and she was all scratched up. "Suit lady, check for a heart beat." I said frantically. "Alright." The voice said. I waited and cried. Seeing her like this was unbearable. "Heartbeat detected." The voice said. I closed my eyes and sighed. I held her close and shot a web and swung back to the rest of the avengers.

They all saw me walking with Andrea in my arms. Steve ran up to us as the others followed. "Is she alive?" He asked looking at her. I sniffled. "Yeah..." I said softly. He took her from me. He ran to the tower and we all followed.

Steve took her into Mr.Starks lab. I sat down shaking my leg impatiently. Wanda cane and sat next to me. I wiped my face. "She's gonna be ok, Pete." She said. "I know. But it just..... pains me to see her in that state.... ya know?" I said looking at my hands. She didn't say anything after that. Mr. Stark walked out. I looked at him with hope in my eyes. "She's Alright. She woke up just now if you want to see her." He said. I nodded and walked into his lab.

I saw her laying down on a table with stitches on some cuts and her face was cleaned from all of the blood. I walked up to her and she was staring at the ceiling. "I don't like being on this table." She said softly. "I know but you won't be up here for long." I said. "Remember the thing I wanted to tell you last night?" She said. I looked at her. "Yeah?" I said. "That was it. I have powers and I thought I killed my best friend from my childhood but.....that was her." She said sadly. She looked at me. "I'm sorry I walked out on you. I had to clear my head. I thought I was ready to let you know but..... I wasn't. And I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier, I didn't mean to keep secrets. I just didn't want you to get hurt." She said. "I'm sorry too. For keeping my identity a secret." I said. "That explains all the times you've ditched our plans." She said with a small smile. "Yeah I Uh had-" " in the middle of doing the 'plan'." She said. I laughed. She smiled. "Why can't I just walk this off?" She said sitting up. "Uh I don't think that's a good idea." I said. "Are there any ideas I've had that we're good?" She said. I shrugged with a smile. She chuckled and grabbed onto my shoulder. I held onto her waist to assist her with standing up. She kinda stumbled but straightened herself up.

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