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"So, who are we facing again?" asked Rosalie as we changed into our ring gear.

"We don't really have a match, but we will interupt the Total Divas against the True Divas, probably end up making it a fourteen on four, and when we win, the authority will see how much we truly deserve a shot at the title," I replied rolling my eyes, she needs to pay more attention to our matches and less to the gossip.

"But, remember girls, we need to do everything in our power to get that fourteen on four match," Nessie quickly added, which made us all nod.

We continued going over our plans, in case, we needed more than one, before all of our phones vibrated, a twitter notification.

@WWERomanReigns: @WWEBoss if your in the house tonight, better watch your back! #TheShieldIsComingForYou

@WWEBoss: Big words coming from @WWERomanReigns, to bad him and his dogs don't know how to keep their words! We ain't scarred of some chihuahuas that only bark! #Likeaboss


"Dang, Arabella!" Ella exclaimed, making me chuckle, before I put my Glaxy S5 down, and returning to tie up boots.

The so called Hounds Of Justice better watch their backs, speaking these big words. I just hope they back it up.

Our theme song blasted through the arena in the middle of the Divas match. All of them quickly turned and looked up the ramp. We stopped at the top as the cut off our music.

"These is going to be interesting" JBL spoke in commentary, and Cole quickly agreed with him.

"Poor, poor, poor Divas! Fighting to see who are the best of the best, when the best of the best are clearly standing up here," Rosalie spoke, making us smirk, "I mean, we got the Total Divas versus the True Divas, which, I guess, that makes us the Total True Divas."

The crowd started to cheer, and the chant broke off in the crowd, making us laugh. Bring Out The Shield! Bring Out The Shield!

"Yes, yes, yes! We want to face The Shield also, but first we need to take care of the beasts in the ring," Rosalie added, making us laugh harder, causing some glares from the ring.

"Yes, indeed Rosalie! So, I don't see how these match is even happening without us, the Total True Divas," Nessie decided to speak, which I replied with a nod. I barely spoke during these kinds of events. I rather let my fighting do the talking. But when I do speak, I always back up my craft.

"I mean, let's see who we got up there for the Total Divas. The Bella twins, I mean, come on girls, don't you think it's time to retire? Or maybe even get a little botox?" asked Ella, making the crowd laugh. Nikki wanted to get off the ring and come towards, but Brie quickly stopped her and held her back. "Oh, and The Funkadactyls, the dancing, well I can't say it because we are on a PG show!"

"Oh, and Ella, let's not forget the True Divas. I mean, they do have the so called Divas champion, who is only champion because of her dumb gorilla standing next to her!" Nessie added with a light smirk.

"Oooooh," the crowd let out before laughing.

"Everybody, our Diva's chump, AJ Lee," continued Nessie, getting a Diva's Chump chant started. Nessie quickly started to laugh, "Oh, this is why we love you people."

Looking up the ring, every Diva was getting worked up, just what we wanted. We waited for a few seconds, letting th chant die down. But before we could continue, some of the girls had gotten some microphones and decided to join the chat.

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