Shave (Part 2 to Flirty) - Bucky Barnes

Start from the beginning

Then, you got dresses in black athletic shorts, a red shirt, put your hair in a bun, and put on your glasses. ((Pretend you wear glasses. Cause I do and I have a cute bit with them))

You walked out your door and walked to Bucky's room which was right in front of yours.

You knocked and he answered.

Bucky: "Bout time you showed up darlin."

You rolled your eyes and walked in with him behind you.

You headed for his bathroom he trailed along behind you.

You turned on the light.

Bucky: "Try not to cut me with the razor (Y/N)." He chuckled.

You: "Very funny."

Bucky: "Well lets get to it. Where do you want me to be?"

You: "I don't know."

Bucky: "Well maybe you should sit on the counter considering I am quite a bit taller."

You: "That's ok with me."

You tried to lift yourself up when Bucky grabbed your waist and lifted you up gently and sat you down on the counter.

You blushed.

You: "Oh thanks."

Bucky: "No probably doll."

You: "Ok so I need your razor, your shaving cream, and your after shave."

Bucky: "Ok Doctor. Would you like a scalpel too?" He chuckled.

You laughed.

You: "No weirdo."

He got the things and sat them beside you.

You wetted his face with water from the sink and rubbed the shaving cream over his beard and dotted some on his nose just cause you thought it was cute.

He crossed his eyes looking at the shaving cream on his nose.

You giggled.

You: "Bucky the white nosed soldier." You laughed.

He rolled his eyes and smiled.

Your glasses were sliding down. Bucky reached his hand up and pushed them back up.

You blushed a bright pink.

You: "Oh thanks. It kinda gets annoying when they slide down."

Bucky: "I'm sure it does darlin. And I meant what I said when I said that you look cute when you blush."

You: "Casanova." You giggled.

He smirked.

You grabbed the razor.

You: "You sure you wanna do this?"

Bucky: "I'm sure." He laughed.

You: "Ok." You smiled.

You put the razor to his skin and shaved is beard away.

After a couple minutes you wiped away the shaving cream and got the after shave.

You put some on your hands and smelled your hands.

You: "Oh I love the smell of this stuff." You giggled.

Bucky: "It stings a bit tho when it hits your face. Like in Home Alone with Kevin" He laughed.

You: "Yeah." You laughed also.

You put it on his face.

You: "There. Now you look handsomer than before." You smiled.

Bucky: "Thanks for doing this (Y/N)." He smiled back.

You: "Anytime."

Bucky: "I have a question."

You: "Yes?"

Bucky: "Can I kiss you again?"

You: "Yes you can Buckaroo." You giggled.

He leaned in and connected your lips with his. He put his hands on your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck.

You smiled which broke the kiss.

Bucky: "Oh come on you just ruined my kiss with your smileyness."

You: "Well I'm sorry if you make me smile everyday." You giggled.

Bucky leaned in for another kiss.

You both pulled away.

You: "Ok now get me down."

Bucky held your waist and lifted you up and sat you down on the ground.

Bucky: "There ya go."

Bucky: "And (Y/N)."

You: "Yeah."

You walked out of the bathroom.

Bucky: "I'm falling in love with you."

You: "I think I'm falling in love with myself too." You laughed.

Bucky: "Wow. I thought we were having a moment." He laughed.

You: "I'm kidding."

You: "But I think I'm falling in love with you too."

Bucky: "Will you be my girl?"

You: "Yes. I'd love that."

Bucky picked your up and threw you over his shoulder.

You: "Hey! Put me down!" You yelped.

Bucky: "Nope. You haven't ate anything yet so I'm gonna make you something."

He started to tickled your waist and you kept thrashing around laughing.

You: "JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES! STOP!" You said in between laughs.

Bucky: "No." He smirked and walked to the kitchen with you over his shoulder.

You: "I hate you." You joked.

Bucky: "I love you too, darlin!"


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