Hearts Have Shattered

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Hayley's POV

I woke up to the smell of Malcolm beside me. Could it be, could he be beside me sleeping? When I opened my eyes I saw my mother crying and in her hands was one of malcome hoodies. To my mother, Malcolm was like a son. Her face was buried into his favorite sweater. I stood up and walked over to her.

"Mommy what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I said with a worried tone. She looked up at me and pulled me into a hug.

"I am so sorry Hayley, he was to young. Malcolm had so much more ahead of him, I'm so sorry," she said with pity in her eyes.

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"Hayley, the plane Malcolm was on, crashed. There was nothing found from the ruined bodies. Police couldn't identify how the bodies looked. Malcolm was not found and the police thinks that he's dead. I'm so sorry honey, Malcolm is dead."

Those words rang in my head.

Malcolm is dead.

I felt tears staring to trickle down my cheek. I ran for the door and ran all the way outside, not bothering to close the door. I really didn't care about anything except for Malcolm at this point. I'll I wanted was to see Malcolm. This can't happen. I didn't even tell him I loved him! I ran all the way to his house and opened the door. I didn't knock I just ran in, and his mother was crying in the floor. I ran to her and she stood up and hugged me. We just stood there together.

Miss Smith was a kind woman. Her and my mother have been best friends, even before Malcolm and I met. They seem to understand each other very well. They were both single when they met. My mother and father were divorced and Malcolm's father cheated in his mother before they got married. Miss Smith was like my second mother. She treated me like her own daughter. My mom and Miss Smith would always talk about how they wanted Malcolm and I to end up together. And I hope to god it would come to true, but now that Malcolm is gone, it won't be happening, ever.

As Miss Smith cried, my mother came in the house and sat on the floor next to us and cried, too. We cried for what seems like hours. When we finished, Miss Smith asked for us to stay the night, so we did.

No one dared to go inside Malcolm's room. Days went by and winter break was over. I had to go to school and put up with all the sorrow people would give me for my lost. I haven't texted anyone since Malcolm's death, not even my best friend, Lydia, who was always there for me. I felt bad cause I know that she was hurting too. Malcolm was her cousin and best friend, too. I bet she feels like shit right now, but let's not think of that.

It's Sunday, the week after New Year's and tomorrow I have to go to school and it's killing me. I really don't want to go, but I have to. It was 12:00 am and everyone was asleep. Miss Smith spent the night at my house everyday since Malcolm died. My mother didn't mind, she knew that Miss Smith was lonely and didn't really have anyone besides Malcolm.

I couldn't go to sleep. So many things were traveling through my mind. I decided grab my keys and go for a walk. I walk to Malcolm's house and opened the door. Malcolm and I had both of our house keys so that we could get into our houses whenever we felt like it. I walk inside his big house, which seemed even bigger and lonely now. I look around and decided it was about time I go to his room.

I made the courage to walk up stairs. I counted every step until I got to his room. When I got to his doors I stopped and thought about all of our good times and all our bad times. I opened the door to see his messy room, cloths everywhere, video games, shoes, and pictures of us. I started to feel my eyes get watery and sat on his bed. I remembered all the fun times we had playing video games, wrestling, me getting angry and getting up to leave, but he put a tight grip around my wrist and pulled me into a hug. I opened his closet and took some of his cloths. I got in his drawers and hiding deep was one of his favorite hoodies. He hid it because every time I saw it, I took it home with me and wouldn't give it back. I picked that up and put it in the pile of stuff I was going to keep. Under his bed was his favorite cologne. It was Abercrombie, the one I got him for his 16th birthday. Ever since 4th grade I would always get him cologne for his birthday. I picked it up and throw it with the pile. I also got the pictures that were laying around. I got some of his shoes even though they will be big on me, I still wanted his shoes. I went inside his closet again and deep, deep inside, I found a box with a ribbon on it and two bags that look like gift bags. I pull them all out and found that they had my name on them. They were labeled Christmas, Valentines, and birthday for Hayley. I open the Christmas on first it was some jeans a really pretty blouse with some high heels and makeup from Mac. Also it had a note saying,

Hey dork! I want to say Merry Christmas. I love you and thanks for being the world'a best friend! Hope you like it!

Tears gently brushed down my cheek.

I open the Valentine's Day one and it had a boquette of fake roses. It had a neckless that had a heart shape locket made out of complete gold with my name on the front of it. In the back, it had Malcolm's name. When it opened, one side had a picture of Malcolm and I when we were in 2nd grade and on the other side it had a picture of us last spring. On the bottom of the box Malcolm wrote,

I want to wish you a happy Valentine's Day. You're such an amazing girl. Any guy would be lucky to have you. You have brought so much fun in my life. I never want to loose you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and even when I'm mad at you, I can never find a way to stop thinking about you. I love you Hayles!

Now I can barely see with all the tears I've been shedding.

Then there was the last gift, my birthday gift. I opened it and there was a bunch of clothes, a bracelet made out of silver with rhinestones of all diffrent colors, and a pair of small diamond earrings. There was also a note but this time it was a really big one.

Dear Hayley,

I am no pro at writing, but I'll try my best. I have been wanting to tell you this for years now and I finally decided that today, on your birthday, I would tell you. Hayley Melissa Johnson, I love you. I have always loved you and will never stop loving you. You're perfect the way you are. I have felt this way for a long time and it's time for the big question. Can I have the honor to be called your boyfriend?

And at the bottom there was a beautiful golden promise ring. In the middle there was a arrow pointing towards it that said, "Please say yes!" After all of this, he truly loved me and I lost him I curled up in a ball in his room and started to pour out tears.

I love him, but he's gone.

In a snap of a finger, I was asleep.

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