When she passed house seven, Emma saw a couple kissing each other very intensely. While they were doing this, people around them were dancing with flamingoes to classical music.

"If everyone here is like this, I'll never fit it!" Emma thought to herself. Being very shy all of her life, Emma had never really fit in at school. People usually overlooked her or even forgot she was there, due to her quiet nature. Emma also considered herself extremely plain, though her grandmother and relatives always told her differently.

Emma was fairly short and had always been insecure about her height, though she supposed it probably helped her dancing. Her light brown hair had some streaks of blonde and had a slight natural curl to it, which was probably her favorite thing about her appearance. With her rounded face and pale blue eyes, though, she wasn't a standout at all. She knew she couldn't count on her looks to make an impression, so Emma silently vowed to herself that she was going to change. She would try to be more outgoing, so that for the first time in her life, she might actually have friends.

The houses were all 80 yards apart from each other on each side. As Emma walked to her dorm house she kept thinking about how long it was going to take her to get to her house at the end of each day since hers happened to be at the very end of the street. After a lot of walking, though, Emma had finally found herself in front of house twelve; the Arabesque house. As she walked up to the front door, she shuddered a little. Her new roommates would probably be in there once she opened that door. She would have nine of them, as there were ten people assigned to each house.

Emma walked into the house and saw it was a lot bigger than she had expected it to be. To the left of her, there was a stone staircase that spiraled up to a landing with many doors. The living room was to the right. The room was painted a soft blue and had a television with one large sectional that took up most of the room. In the corner was a piano that was old and worn looking,as if it had been played many times. An archway led to a spacious kitchen, where there was a dining table set for ten off to the left side of the room. The back of the kitchen had three huge cross hatch windows, that went from the floor to the ceiling. Through a set of French doors was the backyard. The backyard had a deck that led off to a large pond with a fountain streaming from the middle of it. There were tons of thick foliage and trees surrounding the yard that Emma supposed probably meant that the house was towards the edge of the campus.

She walked back inside and headed up the spiral staircase. She heard shouting coming from one of the rooms and looked in to see two boys. One was tall and very muscular. His angled features, ink black hair, and intense amber eyes made him seem frightening. The other boy was shorter and a bit more gangly looking, but Emma could still see that he was fairly strong. His fair blonde hair stood out against his honey colored skin and electrifying dark blue eyes. The two seemed to be arguing with each other about what side of the room they wanted.

"Does it really matter?" asked the dark-haired boy. "I already put all of my stuff down here!"

"To me it does!" the other replied "I feel more comfortable on this side because it's closest to the window, and I have to be by a window to fall asleep."

"That's the most ridiculous thing I've-" the boy stopped as he saw Emma standing in the doorway. "Oh, hey. Sorry about all that, didn't see you there."

"It's fine," Emma said. "I was just looking for my room."

"Oh, you're going to be upstairs," the blonde told her. "They separate the girls and guys' floors. Girls on the third level and boys on the second."

"I'm Ethan by the way," he said with a crooked grin on his face. "This-" he motioned towards the other boy with the black hair- " is Connor." Connor gave her a slight nod, then went back to trying to rearrange his room.

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