1. Welcome To London

Start from the beginning

“What’s this?” The blue-eyed boy asked, looking me over.

“Is it not her?” The boy behind me asked.

“No. It is not.”

I was roughly turned around so he could look at me. I shrunk back away from his dark brown eyes.

“God dammit.” He pushed me away, causing me to bump into the blue-eyed boy who glared at me as if I had done something terribly wrong.

Where am I?

What is going on?

Who were they looking for?

“Way to go,” A blonde-haired boy said from his perch in the corner of the room, his accent stronger than the rest.

I now looked around to see that there were five other people in the room.

“Shut up, Nate!” The dark-eyed boy snapped. “It was night and I’m sure you would have made the same mistake.”

‘Nate’ just laughed.

“Who are you?” The blue-eyed boy who seemed to be in charge asked me.

“Uh…I- I’m-” I stuttered in nervousness.

“Speak clearly.”

“I- my name is Scout.”

“American?”  A raggedy-haired boy asked, also with a British accent.

I nodded. “Where am I?”

“Don’t ask questions!” The boy in charge ordered.

“Come on, Dev,” The last boy spoke up. “Don’t be so harsh. She’s probably scared to death.”

I automatically wanted to go over to the calm voice, but I was too scared to move.

“How old are you?” I was asked by ‘Dev’.

I racked my brain to think of when I was born. “I think I’m 19.”

“You think?”

I nodded timidly.

He rolled his eyes. “Do you go to school?”


He sighed in annoyance. “God, Owen, did you knock out her memory?”

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