Chapter 5 | Bruised & Cut

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Hiroya woke up the following day, not in the best condition. 'How' you ask? I'll just tell you this.

He's on the floor.

A perfect start to the day is it not? Enough with the sarcasm. Hiroya groggily rose from the wooden floor of his room as the sunlight of the morning sun filtered through his blinds. The first thing he did was open the blinds, covering his eyes as the warm light blanketed his form leaving a mysterious shadow to lay behind him. He sighed in annoyance at another day that would be adding to his week.

He quickly did his bed before he went downstairs into the kitchen to see a note and an envelope on the table.

This is your allowance for the week, spend it wisely or there'll be consequences. I'm allowing you to be home late but only to buy the groceries that's it. Don't think I'm going soft on you. Remember why you're here.

Hiroya could feel the menace from the note as he looked at the rough looking handwriting. He looked at the envelope and picked it up, immediately noticing it was quite heavy in weight. He opens it to find ¥500,000 inside, more than enough for groceries so he assumed the rest was for pocket money but who knows?

Time to get ready for today.

Hiroya went upstairs again to brush his teeth and get dressed. He contemplated if he should cleanse his face as well but decided against it as he would do that at times he had alone time. So instead, he quickly rinsed his face before gently patting it dry with a towel. After doing so, he got dressed in his school uniform. Tying his tie as he went downstairs he quickly made himself toast before taking a seat on the dining table in the empty house. He hissed slightly as he picked up the piece of toast. Sure it was warm but his currently injured hands were ridden with sensitivity making him react more sensitively to mundane temperatures and textures.

Sighing, he stood up to hobble over to the medical cabinet in the kitchen. With his tall height, it was easy for him to reach the higher cabinets as he grabbed a roll of self-adhesive bandages and balm. Sitting back down he removed the bandages he did last night. Grimacing at the sight, he quickly applied the balm and bandaged his hands up after throwing away the old ones.

He sat down at the table once more, the buttered toast had become semi-cold due to having to deal with his wretched sensitive hands. Looks like he'll be having some trouble with writing notes today and maybe more days to come if he was that unfortunate. Shrugging it off he started munching away at his breakfast as he watched the scenery outside. The local cherry blossoms were beginning to bud as birds of all breeds flew by, tweeting amongst themselves.

Upon finishing his last piece of toast, he immediately placed the small plate into the sink before grabbing his bag that he had prepped the day before. He slung the bag over his shoulder before he left the gates of his home, being sure to lock both the door and gate before making his way down the street.


The said boy jumped slightly at the call of his name before turning around to see his friend he made yesterday.

"Good morning Hasegawa-san." Hiroya greeted the other male softly with a small wave of the hand.

"Ah, you can call me Kouta. We're friends now right?" Kouta insisted with his bright smile. Hiroya nodded in response as he itched the eye that hid underneath his hair. His action seemed to draw Kouta's attention to his hands.

"Hiroya what happened to your hands?" The golden eyed male asked, his face laced with concern. "I uh... I cut my hands while I made dinner last night. I'm, uh... not that great in the kitchen." Hiroya chuckled awkwardly as he lied while averting his gaze which Kouta took as an act of embarrassment.

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