"Or maybe a ditch," Dean mumbled.

Dean drove you all back to the motel and the next day, you all got a call saying that the girl who was playing Sam was taken.

"Alright, you and Cas look around for anything," Dean said while walking into the auditorium. "Hey (Y/N), look at the couple."

You looked and saw fake you and fake Cas were really close.

"Cute, aren't they? They're a couple, which makes the kissing scene way better," Marie said.

You gulped and nodded. "Nothing like true love. Anyways, me and Agent Hansen would like to look around, wherever he is."

You scanned the room and saw Cas and Dean talking. Cas looked nervous about something.

"Agent Hansen, a word?" You yelled.

He came down to where you two were and nodded.

"Let's go look around," you whispered.

You both looked around and saw nothing suspicious, except for a flower on the crime scene.

You showed Sam and Dean and they said that it was something, you couldn't remember. You were too busy paying attention watching the kissing scene between 'you' and 'Cas'.

"(Y/N). (Y/N)!"

"What do you want, Sam?"

"You and Cas need to watch for the scarecrow, while Dean and I kill this thing."

"What about the play?" Marie asked.

"The show will go on," you smiled and patted her shoulder.

"Marie we have a problem," a girl said with a worried tone. "(Y/N) and Cas is gone. We don't have any other understudies."

"I can do it," you said. "And so will Cas."

"You don't know any of the lines and it starts in a half hour."

"It's alright, I got it, I promise."

"Great, come on, let's do hair and makeup."

You and Cas followed the girl into a dressing room. You have never been so excited that you were back to acting.

"(Y/N), I'm not sure about this."

"You'll be fine, trust me. If you have a scene with me, just focus on me."

"You guys look so much like your characters," the girl sighed. "I don't have to do anything. Just practice some kissing or some songs."

You nodded and she closed the door leaving you alone.

It was a perfect time to confess to Cas, but you didn't want to.

You sat down and began singing Helpless from Hamilton just to warm up your vocals.

"Look into your eyes and the sky's the limit," you sang quietly.

"Hey, (Y/N), it's time," Dean said while opening the door.

You looked at Cas and gave him a strong nod and you both walked out.

"Aw, look at you," Sam cooed, "You're in another musical and as another main role too."

"Alright, theater dorks, cut it out, we need to kill this thing before it kills Marie."

Dean gave the cast an entire speech, clearly taken from Rent, and cheered us on.

"And, (Y/N), make me hella proud," he said, a special sparkle appeared in his eyes telling you that he was already was.

You hugged him, "Will do Dean. Will do."

Marie went out to give a speech, clearly stalling.

"We need to go, now," the tech girl said while raising the curtain.

Sam and Dean stood behind the curtains while you and Cas were talking.

"I don't know what to do, (Y/N), I don't sing."

"Just move your lips and I'll sing for you, I gotcha buddy."

"(Y/N), you're up in five."

You nodded and straightened out your clothes. Your first musical number.

"I never wanted this life, I never wanted to do this. Saving people, hunting things, I never wanted anything to do with the family business.

Then my brothers, killed time and time again. The only thing I could do was watch. What was I? The only female Winchester left.

This life has no right in my heart, it's wrong in my soul. Why am I stuck in an internal loop? Why can't I break free?! This is my personal hell and why can't I let go."

The crowd broke out into applause as you stood up and stood by 'Dean'.


It was finally time, Sam and Dean killed off what they were hunting and went into the crowd to watch, lucky for them, some people left after a weird purple goo shot out of the scarecrow, and there were front row seats.

The lights dimmed to a more romantic and sad setting. You and Cas walked out and met in the middle.

"Castiel, please, you can't," you begged, "You're going to get yourself killed!"

Cas looked confused and then read what you wrote on his hand.

"I'm sorry, but I have to. I want to protect you from the evil of the world."

You began to sob and hugged him, "You're doing well, keep going."

"(Y/N), don't you know how much I care for you? My father created you for a special reason. He created you so I can have somebody to love."

You noticed that Cas was speaking from his heart and not from his hand.

"(Y/N) Winchester, I love you, even though Dean might kill me, I will always love you."

You grabbed his tie and brought him down and kissed him. He kissed back and it was pure bliss.

The crowd was applauding very loudly.

"That's our sister!" Dean yelled in triumph.

You pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"I love you too, Castiel."

The curtain closed and you both ran around back.

"Alright, time for the closing number," a girl called.

You all prepared on the middle of the stage for Carry On Wayward Son.

"(Y/N), you can start the song, I have a sore throat," 'Mary' said while holding her throat.

"Oh, no, please, you do it, I insist."

The curtain raised as you stood in the spotlight. Everybody's eyes were on you as you started singing.

You all soon finished and the crowd applauding. You took a bow and watched as the curtain closed.

"So proud of you," Dean said while hugging you.

"Yeah, yeah, stop it. Let's go back home, I'm exhausted."

"Hey, where's Cas?" Sam asked.

"I'm here," Cas said while appearing in front of you, holding a huge bouquet of flowers. "For you, (Y/N)."

You hugged him and took the bouquet and pecked his cheek while you were at it.

"Thanks, Cas."

Castiel Imagines {BEING UPDATED/REQUEST OPEN}Where stories live. Discover now