Chapter 3

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(Y/n) soon found her room after a while of trial and error. On the way back she was having bad memories flooding her head distracting her from finding the room she resides in for now on. No one has talked to her, for there was no one in the place she lived in which questioned her so. Why would Katsuki live alone in the mountains with the dragons? He not have family to go to, prayer their dead? No, no no no... No thinking sadness...

Once she did reach her room, she sat on the chair to the desk. (Y/ n) opened the desk to find paper and ink and quill. Convenient! Now I can write an apology to Kats-- wait! Why do I need to write an apology to that dimwad?! I might have scared him slightly, but that does not mean  I need to write anything! I ment everything I said, if he wants to help me then he can.

Her mind kept on wondering over and over not realizing that her someone was entering her room. (Y/ n) only started at the paper and quill confusly only thinking about Katsuki. "YOUR SUPPOSED TO ANSWER THE DOOR WHEN SOMEONE KNOCKS IT IDIOT!! ANSWER ME DAME IT!" This startled (y/ n) sending her to look at the mirror informing of her to see Katsuki pissed off. "U-u-umm.. sorry!! I was deep in thought Katsuki! Hehe......." She started to scratch her head thinking she was gonna die.

Katsuki growled at her and asked "you do know you missed dinner right? What where you even doing?" (Y/ n)s eyes widened, "I've been in my room thinking for that long?!  Oh my goodness I'm soooo sorry Katsuki!! Don't kill me.."
"HAHAHA HAHAHA!! Your fault for missing dinner idiot!.... you hungry or someth-" (y/ n) only yawned at him and smiled. "I'm good.... sleep is well needed for me though. Then go through the nightmares and-- maybe it'll change this time.." She yawned again.

"Nightmares?" Katsuki blankly stared at the tired child helping her out of the chair to the bed. "Ya, bad dreams whe-"
"I KNOW WHAT THEY ARE IDIOT! Why would say it like that? Do you want them?" (Y/n) layed in the bed now with covers over her, Katsuki sitting on the side of the bed.

"Their normal for me, you see I have been blessed and cursed when I was younger from a kingdom wizard years ago. My parents didn't know about it till it was already done and over with....(yawn).... Mom died from trying... to find him...... I was left with father, alone. I'm tired." (Y/ n) was drifting of to sleep with every word she spoke making Katsuki's face soften.

Once Katsuki knew (y/ n) was asleep, he kissed her forehead unbeknownst that Kirishima was at the door way. "So you like her your highness? Never would have guessed..." Kirishima might have continued if Katsuki didn't look him in the eyes with blazing hatred. Quickly he was right next to Kirishima and smacked his head over and over shutting the door behind once they were out of it. "How many times must I tell you to never, AND I MEAN NEVER, eavesdrop on conversations without knocking?!?!"
"But she was asleep once I saw you kissed her." Kirishima was holding his head protecting himself.

Soon enough Kirishima ran off hoping he was still have food the next morning leave Katsuki behind at the door. "That dragon is going to be really hungry tomorrow if I can help it... But what to do about... whatever. Work is to be done for tomorrow."

Sadly for Katsuki's luck, (y/ n) was still awake when he kissed her forehead leaving her in a blushing mess when he left. Love? No, it was probably an accident! I mean, Baka-go doesn't like me or anything!!!! AHHHH! He practically just showed that he cared for me!... okay (y/ n), calm down... it was an accident. Just go to bed and you will probably not have this problem is the morning. Not you will not have this these thoughts... sleep!

Soon enough the child fell asleep in the comfy bed she's laying on. The dragons in the exterior of the building were all sleeping soundly with their kin. Kirishima sleeping outside with the other dragons in a small dragon form to huddle with the bigger dragons. And then Katsuki pacing around in his room thinking about what (y/n) said to him in the court yard. It kind of frightened him thinking what the probability of (y/ n) having magic or abilities were high from being blessed and cursed by a witch.

Long past the mountains came an Prince coming up to the mountains from his kingdom weeks away on horse. Here he was told a fair, interesting maiden could be found who he shall wed. This males hair split into half from white and burning red. "The Dragon King huh? The one supposed to wed this mysterious girl.... as if, let's dance shall we old friend.... Katsuki Bakugo." He quickly smirked and raced to the mountains with his trusty guard, "y-yes sir."

(Next morning)

"Morning already? I thought that it would take longer... hmm." There went (y/ n) stretching and talking to herself like most mornings trying to find more fun with talking. "Okay clothes clothes clothes, okay here we go. And then hair, then leave the room to the dinning hall.... du du du du du." Quickly she exited the room the be face to face with Kirishima. "Oh hello miss (y/ n) how was your sleep?" (Y/ n) smiled at him and patted his head gently. "It was the best sleep I have ever had, and my nightmares were nothing."

Soon she looked at the red head to see him blushing, realizing what when was doing. "Omg! I'm so so sorry, forgive me!" She stopped and looked down, "it's okay miss (y/ n), it just startled me. Also, ummm.. Sir Bakugo would like to speak to you at the dinning hall, he's already there waiting." Kirishima bowed and went running off. "Weird.... anyway, what time does he wake up. God."

Once (y/ n) reached the dinning hall she saw Katsuki and smiled skipping to him in almost the same attire she was wearing yesterday. "Morning Katsuki!"
"Your late."
"I only got dressed and talked to Kirishima... and maybe got lost getting here this morning. Heh, I'm still not used to this place."
"I can tell... sit, we have some things to talk about."

As they ate Katsuki talked about (y/ n) clothes and her stuff in her house in town. "Do you need more clothes?" (Y/n) took a bit of her Apple and quickly said a simple 'ya,' then swallow. "I need clothes, but no dresses! I hate dresses! Also... do you like, ever wear a shirt? I mean, I've never seen you wear one." Katsuki only smirked, "what? You don't like my muscles?"
"Thats not wha-"
"Then you do."
"No, STOP!

(Y/n)n was was blushing mess before Katsuki started to laugh at her, a genuine laugh. He's laughing.... so cute!
"Excuse me?"
"Hmm what?"
"Cute?" (Y/n) blushed again looking away freaking out. "I said that out loud, did I?"

This left a blushing (y/ n) not enable to eat anymore looking away from Katsuki. "W-well, it's not like I ment it o-o-or anything baka-go..." Katsuki got put his seat and pulled (y/ n) put hers smiling. "Sure miss, I'm too afraid to look at you without help." Soon he grabbed her chin to have (y/ n) look at him. "H-hey....."

"What do you want to do today idiot? We can walk around the building, read in the building, go ride the horses o--"
"The dragons!! I want to see the dragons and ride one and have my hair in the wind and have fun and pet them!!!" At this point Katsuki was smiling letting go of (y/ n), when she was jumping and spinning around in circles. "Oh, so you want to go straight for the most fun you'll probably ever have in your life huh? Okay, you'll have to ride with me for the first few times riding Kirishima."

I can ride a dragon I can ride a dragon I can ride a dragon!!!!!!!! Those where all of (y/ n) thoughts as she was following Katsuki to the dragons. "Dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon dra-" Katsuki placed his hand on her mouth to keep her from saying anymore. "If you continue I might have to take your mouth... Then keep it for myself."
"Ewe no! Why would you want my mouth perv.." (y/ n) jokely teased pushing his hand away.

"Well, maybe so that I can feed it to the new dragon kin... or to put it in a jar... or stuff like that. Now, part this door is the dragon cove. Whatever you do, never. And I mean NEVER leave my side till they get used to you. Okay?"

"Okay sir!"
I have no idea what he said, but the first thing I'm doing is find the baby's! I love them sooo much!

Bakugo x reader | Love of an Idiot |Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu