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So this story is about a girl who lost her parents when she was younger due to a car crash which she doesn't remember and has frequent dreams about it but doesn't think much of it. She also has dreams about this little kid and her and she had a nickname for him( I think she called him 'Princey'). She always wonders why she is different from her parents because she has blonde hair while her (adoptive which she doesn't know about) parents are brunette. One day she sits beside some boy in her class and they paint or something like that and she paints something to do with her dream and that boy beside her recognises the painting to being him and his childhood friend and he asks her where she got that image from and she says from her dream. (I think this story has to do with him being a prince and she is his childhood friend and she doesn't remember)

Thats all I remember as I don't think the author finished the book.
Help please!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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