Chapter 7

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It was a good thing we were blended in with the door, and Cirenge had placed his tiny hand over my mouth. There before me was someone I'd dealt with my entire life; it wad someone who I'd thought was better than this. Marissa Webb, my adopted sister, was a part of the Samurai Society. The feeling that was flowing through me at that time is hard to describe. Why? The question repeated over in my mind. But, I knew I soon had to put my personal thoughts aside and solely focus on the mission.

The first thing I noticed about everyone I saw was that they each wore full body suits of different colors. Marissa wore a purple one with a large, black seven printed on each side. Another thing I discovered was that those who wore the same number on their suit often stuck together. Marissa and the group of sevens, which included Elise Riley from school, began to exit the hallway.

While the hall was still empty, Cirenge and I quickly changed to blend in with the wall. After all, we had camoflage, not complete invisibility. We slowly crept our way down the hallway; careful not to make a sound. I was also on alert for anyone who happened to turn either corner. As a group of fours walked by, I scanned for anyone I might know, but I only looked into the faces of strangers. I let out a sigh of relief, but quickly covered my mouth in case anyone had heard me. After I was sure no one was suspicious of us, Cirenge and I continued down the hallway. Cautiously, we made the next right turn. It led straight to Marcus Richardson's main office.

A tall man with dark brown hair, surrounding a slight bald patch in the center, was sitting in a rather comfortable looking chair in the room. It consisted of video monitors and different controls; it was full access to the entire hideout. In the room with him were two girls wearing number one on their suits. The girl in the green was a complete stranger to me, but the one in the pink was the preppiest girl at my school. Penelope Richardson. I can't exactly say that it surprised me to see her, but I am only surprised it took me this long to realize she was a part of this.

Marcus, who I am assuming was Penelope's dad, started talking to them. I opened my ears wide to listen for any valuable information. "We haven't got any time to lose! The Arocose mineral can only be found at dusk, in the fall, during a full moon. With winter quickly approaching, the ideal temperature to capture the powers of those blasted cave creatures will soon be gone. I want to send Section 1 and Section 3 on this mission, and will have Section 2 stay behind to guard the hideout. I will need you to set out to climb Cretolin Peak on Saturday morning. We will be counting on you-"

A loud alarm filled the entire hideout; a computorized voice began screaming, "Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" Everyone around me was in a state of panic.

Marcus, Penelope and the other girl rushed out of the room and into the main hallway. I took advantage of the opportunity to examine what was going on. My eyes scanned the surveillance moniters above my head. On the opposite side of the hideout, Georgia was being cornered by a large group people from Section 5. At that moment, you could tell she knew she couldn't escape. As fast as lightning, Georgia handed Blaire a note and she took off to leave the building, and her human partner, behind. Georgia was then forced into handcuffs and dragged away by Marcus Richardson.

I then realized I had the perfect chance to examine the office. Cirenge had already been looking through the extravagent stacks of paper without me. Joining him, I searched for anything that looked important and shoved it inside my jacket.

The minimal time I had obtained was flashing by at the speed of light. I knew that, soon, Marcus would be back. The need for escape weighed heavily upon my heart, but the need for important information was my first priority on this mission. As I shoved a thick packet into my jacket, the voice of Marcus Richardson filled my ears, "Send out searches, I want to make sure that there are no members of the Great Cave within a mile radius of the hideout!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2013 ⏰

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