Silence Kills

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For every day I wake up, the silence in my home gives off a certain peace
Sadly, the peace's existence begins to decease
As the volume of the voices in my head begin to increase

There's nothing worse than being in total silence
Makes your mind go from isolation to violence

Voices of your past creep up on you
Be it from your ex, family, or crew
Making you think back to all the things that you've been through.

You stare up to the ceiling and memories begin to flood in your mind
Some good, but some that aren't so kind
Of course there is no such thing as peace of mind

But there's a worse type of silence, you know it to be true
It's the one when even though you want to scream at the top of your lungs, it's not a topic you wanna get into

Take it from me, someone who kept those screams in for too long
Find someone and get it out of your chest; you don't have to pretend that you're super strong

To whoever reads this and knows that you want this evil silence to end
Don't let it win; be real with your family and friends
And if you can't trust them, to you my hand I extend

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