The first years

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Nikola Jokic and I became best friends. We were like brothers and sisters. I usually sleep beside Nikola because I knew that my room was cold. However, we got the letter from Minerva McGonagall about attending Hogwarts.

Hi Jessica,

I informed you that you are attending Hogwarts for the summer. However you must come to the sorting ceremony at the great hall. See you there,

- Minerva McGonagall.

Nikola got the letter too!

Hi Nikola Jokić,

You must be from Serbia, you and your friend Jessica will attend Hogwarts in the summer. You will be attending classes together with her. See you there and don't forget to attend the Ceremony.

- Minerva McGonagall.

I was at Sombor, Serbia with Nikola as we decided to head to London and grab our stuff to get ready for Hogwarts. We were at platform 3/4 and yet, we met a bunch of people. "Wow you brought your Serbian friend with you," The girl met me. "I'm Sarah, by the way," "Jessica," I introduced myself to him. "Nikola, It's been a pleasure to meet you Sarah," my Serbian friend shook her hand.

Nikola Jokić: You ready?

Me: Yep.

Nikola Jokić: let's cross through the platforms.

We pushed the cart and went to the other way to the Hogwarts Express train. It has the number 5972 on it. We went inside the train and I began socializing with him.

Nikola Jokić: people think I'm dating you.

Me: Really?

Nikola Jokić: no we're not dating, we're just Brata and u. Brother and sister in Serbian.

I laughed when Nikola was telling me about some things. My relationship with him was like a brother and sister. Well of course, we did do things together by doing some collections and therapies. When I feel down for no reason he was there for me.

Nikola Jokić: Ever since heading home to Sombor, my hometown smells like eggs.

Me: Bruh?

Nikola Jokić: I swear it happens.

Me: should I use the broom to fly to Serbia?

Nikola Jokić: Yeah, but we have to do practice first.

Me: Okay.

Nikola Jokić: Do you have the wand?

Me: I don't leave home without it.

I have two wands prepared.

Nikola Jokić's wand: 10 3/4"Vine dragon heartstring

My wand: 11" Holly Phoenix Nice and supple.

Nikola Jokić: I got mine.

Me: good.

Nikola Jokić: i'm wondering if we can be in classes together.

Me: Oh come on, we're roommates.

Nikola laughs.

Nikola Jokić: Alright then, let's go.

2 hours later,

Nikola and I were both asleep in class since it was a long road to Hogwarts. "Hello?" The girl went to the room where Nikola and I stayed in.

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