An afternoon

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Stumble in.

This is it. I've prepared for this moment.

The breakdown was months ago and we've been surviving off of scraps.

"The barrier broke," I say, "This is it."

Jacob comes to the door and we start hammering boards. Outside, we hear them approaching.

They start pushing and the weight is too much.

The deadbolt breaks, but we've managed to hold them off while they continue to hold the door.

"We need to go!" I command.

The only way out is a ladder we made with scraps from furniture.

"Are we okay?" she asks.

"We're fine, Ashley."

But the door creaks. The door cracks. The door shatters.

"Go, run!"

I hold the door while they climb down.

"Come on!" Jacob screams.

I need Ashley to go!

"Stop looking at me and climb down!"

The door breaks and I stumble.

Ashley screams for me to come to her and I tell her to run.

I gain my composure and sprint towards the window, towards Ashley.

I hear them behind me.

It's a fire escape, I can make it!

I thought I had more time!

I throw Ashley to the floor and grab the ladder.

As I climb down, I can hear Ashley scream.

I hope that we will have better boards next time we're caught in a situation like this.

"Is everything okay?" I hear Emma scream.

"Go, run!"

I need Emma to run.

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