part 4

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~ conversation with wolf~
* talking with mindlink *

part 4

arnav is pissed, he doesn't know why? he doesn't even have a reason for it. well not true he knows why he is irritated, it's all his wolf's problem. his wolf is like a second person in his mind and he was like restless, he roaming around his mind giving arnav headache and he is asking for the shift more than ever which arnav can't do as he had to stay in human form to have control over his wolf. so arnav don't let his wolf take control.

that's why his wolf constantly bugging him, that's making him angry not only at his wolf at also the people surrounding him.

~ arnav let me out ~ his wolf akin growled at him

~ I'm not doing that, last time we shifted you ran like two days and when I able to shift back I was middle of nowhere can you believe that and for some reason you don't want to answer me why you did that ~ arnav screamed back even in they were fighting in his own mind arnav felt like he was in war without fighting.

~ I said I don't know and even I know I am not answering to you anytime soon ~ his woof answered

~ now you're being childish, what does that even mean~ arnav asked as he walked around the room trying to calm himself

arnav felt his wolf stopped talking as if to prove his point that his woof being childish but arnav cared less for that as he got some 0eace in his mind.

* arnav time for college * come the happy shout in his mind this time to make arnav growl loudly.

how can't he have some of his own peaceful time in his mind?

* coming in a minute * arnav also shouted to a man in mind link but far different than aman.

arnav looked in the mirror before going out of the room he looked like a shit there is no doubt it's like 4 days since he had a good sleep, of course, he will look like a shit.

arnav saw his mom on the way out she tried to talk to him but arnav stormed out without answering and he cut the mindlink from the pack including his mothers he doesn't want her to question him.

he can hear his friends talking as getting near them but doesn't give mind to it he just walked and sat in the back seat of his jeep letting aman to drive he knows his friends want to talk to him so he just glared at them sending a clear message not to.

so it was a silent drive to college which arnav don't mind but when they reached the college arnav felt his wolf stirring to walk again. oh! not this again arnav preyed to the moon goddess.

~ oh no I hate here, these people stink arnav lets get out of here ~ akin complained

~ really here I thought, I finally got rid of you ~ arnav grumped at his wolf

~ that's not going to happen you will be stuck with me ~ akin said cockily

arnav huffed, why would moon goddess choose this wolf for him he doesn't know really his half of existence gone by arguing with his wolf. arnav decided he don't want to talk to him anymore so he turned to his friend who was talking to them self in low voice.

" hey aman sorry for the shouting it's just akin was troubling me, " arnav said as calmly as he can

arnav don't hear a man's replay as his wolf again started to complain about how he is accusing him of all arnav's problems

aman shook him to make arnav concentrate again.

" did you hear the word I said " aman asked to which arnav shook his head

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