'Well, Auntie, you'll get to meet more folks than I thought. Jen, this is very generous of you, to open your home this way. Kirk, I think we'll be okay.' Sofia took off her seat belt, Aunt Vi did the same, and they exited the vehicle. Sofia took off her engagement ring and placed it in the inside pocket of her handbag, which wasn't missed by Jen as they walked toward the house.

'If it's okay with you, I'll stay here in the car, because Prince will have my head if I don't.' Kirk flashed a smile, but his eyes were guarded.

Entering Jen's home, Sofia was stunned to see it full of people. Almost every single teacher in her school was in attendance. Tears brimmed in her eyes at this show of support.

'Thank you all so much for coming today! Let me introduce you all to Auntie Vi, who is here for a visit. I'm overwhelmed by you taking the time to see me.'

Sofia led Aunt Vi to the sofa, got her seated, and handed both coats and handbags to Jen, who took them to the back bedroom. When she came back, she interrupted Sofia introducing different friends to Aunt Vi.

'Come see the tea table! It looks amazing. Lots of folks pitched in, and there are all sorts of goodies here.'

Jen was right. A silver teapot sat on a warmer, china was set up on the table, and tiered stands were filled with finger sandwiches and cookies. In the center of the long dining table was a display of petit fours, each individual cake iced with different floral designs.

'Can you believe it? Walter picked up the petit fours! He wanted to make a big gesture since he felt you were treated badly,' she whispered, cutting her eyes toward Walter, then back to Sofia. 'I think he still thinks he's going to put the moves on you.'

Sofia turned her back to Walter, and rolled her eyes. He'd been a pest ever since he'd come to their campus, his persistence bordering on a nuisance. She'd told him over and over that she wouldn't date someone she worked with. Turning back to Walter, she gave a kind smile. 'Thank you Walter, these look delicious!'

'You're welcome, Sofia. I still think you were screwed over.' Walter smiled encouragingly.

'Sofia, have a seat, and let me wait on you today. Lots of folks would like to visit with you.' Jen shooed her away, and busied herself with plates and serving pieces.

Sofia sat down next to Aunt Vi, and multiple teachers came over to visit and commiserate with her, and introduce themselves to Aunt Vi. A few had leads for private school openings they thought might be a good fit for her going forward. Sofia was relieved to realize none of them knew about her engagement.

Jen came over with cups of tea, and beautiful china plates filled with all sorts of goodies. Aunt Viv exclaimed over the elegance of it all, praising Jen for her beautiful china pattern.

'Thank you so much, I inherited it from my great Aunt. having special great aunts is just one thing Sofia and I have in common. Please excuse me, and be sure and let me know if you need refills of anything.' Jen melted away, heading back to the dining table to check on the teapot.

It was a lovely time. As they prepared to leave, Jen brought Sofia and Vivian's belongings back to them, helping Aunt Vivian into her overcoat while Sofia tried to surreptitiously wrap her scarf under her coat.

'Where did you find that scarf?' Jen asked archly, one eyebrow raised as if she knew the answer already. 'Ebay?'

Sofia tried to school her features in order to not give away the truth. 'Of course,' she said, laughing nervously. 'How did you guess?'

'I've guessed all sorts of things lately,' she replied.

'Jen, thank you so much for a lovely party. I don't know how I can ever repay you.'

Under the Elmsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें