Start from the beginning

"Uh Gran, i'm afraid to say that we went down the wrong alley." I tell her and laugh.

Grandmother then taps the wall in a weird way, then she looks at me with a glimmer in her eyes, "Are you sure about that, (Y/n)?"

I look back at the wall and see that it was slowly opening to reveal an alley full of wizarding shops. I admire the area in awe, because it had been a while since I was surrounded by so much magic.

Although, I did stick out like a sore thumb, seeing that everyone's attire was mostly robes, and I was just wearing a sweatshirt and tight jeans, I didn't mind.

Gran pats my back and whispers to me, "You go on and get your things now," She says while putting a whole pouch of galleons in my hands, "I have some business to tend to."

She then starts to walk down a dark looking alley along the side, and says just loud enough for me to hear, "If you end up unable to find me, just meet me back at the car!" I nod my head back at her until she finally was out of sight.

She then starts to walk down a dark looking alley along the side, and says just loud enough for me to hear, "If you end up unable to find me, just meet me back at the car!" I nod my head back at her until she finally was out of sight

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Now that i've been here for a while, and had a few supplies already; like my books and uniform and other necessities, I couldn't help but be just a little excited for Hogwarts. I guess all I needed was just a small feel of the wizarding world here to get me excited.

I decide on a small break for myself and stop in front of a store by the name of Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop; which was a store that sold multiple things like joke and trick items, useful novelties, and sweets.

As I look around the store, picking up random things, I get a tap on the shoulder. I turn around and look up to see a tall guy who seemed a little bit older than me with long, natural red hair.

He smiles at me as we make eye contact, which causes me to smile back without thinking, he was charming, "Do you need any help, love? I know a lot about these joke items."

I choke up, I forgot everyone here had an endearing and captivating accent, "L-love?"

God, I was super awkward, especially around boys. No boy, especially one like this, ever talked to me back in America.

He laughs, revealing his smile again, making me blush, "Yes, that's what I said." He says, dragging the "s" in yes, causing me to blush more, for some reason I found him so appealing.

I lose my train of thought again as I continued staring at the boy in front of me, I can't believe I haven't scared him off yet. "Wh-at? You said what?"

He looks at me oddly, causing me to worry, "Uh, are you alright?"

I shrug, awkwardly laughing as I notice the tension building up, "Hah, yeah! I'm perfectly fine.... bro." I say, and quickly mentally slapping myself. Bro?! Why did I say that? Why am I so awkward?!

"Well, if you say." He tells me while grinning, "Just come look for me if you need any help, alright?"

I nod slowly, still being extremely awkward. I snap my fingers and pretend to shoot guns at him, "Hah, you got it bro!"

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