Chapter 1

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Can we just appreciate how good he is😍
Christina's POV
I wake up to my alarm in the morning and I hear my mom yell "CHRISTINA UP NOW"
I say "noooo"
I'm going back to bed when she says "CHRISTINA NOW"
then I go to my closet and get dressed in a shirt that is white and says "Its My Body Its My Choice" and some blue jeans, then I do my hair and leave it down, then I do my make-up

Can we just appreciate how good he is😍                           《Edited》                          Christina's POV I wake up to my alarm in the morning and I hear my mom yell "CHRISTINA UP NOW" I say "noooo" I'm going back to bed when she says "C...

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it's not like I have anyone to impress so, then I grab a banana and yell "BYE MOM"
she says "bye honey"
then I leave to walk to school when I get there I sit on one of the benches I'm really shy so I don't really have any friends but no one bullies me because I hate bullies and they will get there ass kicked if they bully me or If I see them bullying someone that's what I'll do, then I just always wait for the school doors to open and listen to music...the doors open and I go to the first period and there is this new guy he looks pretty cute so I sat near him then class started and we read
I walk into lunch late because I used the bathroom and I see the new guy getting pushed around I run to him and the 3 guys who are messing with him I yell "STEP AWAY FROM HIM"
they say "what are you gonna do"
I say "step the fuck away from him you dont wanna see what I can do"
Then the guy pushed the kid to the ground, I slap the guy in the face and he winced in pain I say "now leave"
He goes to slap me but I grab his arm and twist it a bit and he says "OW STOP"
I say "as I said don't mess with me now if I were you I would walk away"
then they went to walk away and went to walk behind me the one guy went to punch me but I duck and he falls onto me I push him so he falls on the ground and I kick him when he gets up and runs away the other 2 boys follow then I help up the guy on the ground and he says "um thanks"
I say "no problem, what's your name"
he's still looking down and he says "Co.Corbyn"
I say "oh my name is Christina but if you want you can call me Christi"
he says "oh...hi"
I then say "come and sit"
he sits at the table I sit across from him and I say "where's your lunch Corbyn"
He says "I don't have one the one guy took it"
I went to get up and find him but Corbyn grabs my wrist and says "Christina no"
I sit back down and I say "but they too-"
I was stopped by Corbyn saying "it's fine I'm not that hungry anyway" then I open my bag and pass him a container of fruit and tell him "eat it"
He says "umm I'm not hun-"
I say "I said eat it, so eat it I don't want you to be hungry okay"
He pushes it across the table back at me but then I push it to him and run out the door and watch him he just sits there and looks around he waits like 1 minute and then opens it he eats one and then eats the rest really fast then he looks around for me I go running towards him and I say "I knew you would eat it"
He says "you left me with it what was I supposed to do"
I say "eat it lol"
then I take back my container and eat some and give him some of my chips and my carrots then the bell rings and I say "what's your next class"
he says "ELA"
I say "oh my god same I will walk you there," He says "ok thanks"
then we walk to ELA and when we get there we sit next to each other and then we work on school then when we go to walk home I see Corbyn walking the same way to my house so I say "Corbyn wait up"
He says "oh hey I didn't know you walked"
I say "oh yeah I walk and this is the same way to my house"
He says "oh cool"
Then I say "Corbyn will you be my friend I don't really have any friends and I know your new here and probably don't have a lot of friends"
he says "of course"
then we walk the same way until I say "well this is my house"
He says "wait really because the house right next door is mine"
I say "oh wow that's cool well I guess I'll see ya later, bye Corbyn"
Then I walk inside and my mom says "did you know that people just moved into that house next door"
I say "I just found out"
she says "oh cool I heard there's a boy about your age"
I say "yeah he's my friend, we met because these kids were bullying him"
My mom says "oh, well I'm about to go to the store so I will see ya later, okay"
I say "okay"
and then go up to my room and change into sweat pants and a sweatshirt when I take off my make-up and lay down I watch youtube when I hear the doorbell I go and answer it, it was 1 of the boys that were in the group that bullied Corbyn I yank the door open and say "well what do you want"
He says "wow you are cute"
I say "what the fuck why are you here and how did you find me"
he says "well can I come in and explain"
I say "fine"
then I walk him to the couch and I sit down in the corner then he sits down right next to me and our legs are touching I say "we have a whole couch you know"
and he says "yeah I know"
then he goes to place his hand on my hand but I slap his hand and say "scoot the fuck over"
he listens and says "listen I wanted to tell you that I was getting paid  to bully him I didn't want to"
I say "well that is better but why did you still do it"
He says "well because if I didn't then they said they would hurt me"
then I pulled him in a hug and said "oh my god you poor thing are you okay"
He says "yeah I'm fine but I wanted to know if you knew where the boy lived so I could apologize"
I say "yeah, oh yeah and what's your name"
He says "oh my name is Zach"
I say "oh mine is Christina but if you want you can call me Christi"
He says "ok can you take me to where he lives"
then I walk him next door and knock Corbyn answers and says "oh hi Christi"
then he sees Zach and says "why is he here"
and I say "he's here to apologize"
then Zach says "I'm sorry I was paid to do that"
Corbyn says "it's fine"
and then Zach says "my name is Zach by the way"
Corbyn says "oh nice to meet you Zach but I have to go take care of my brother, bye Zach and Christi"
I say "bye"
then leave Zach says "bye Christi"
and leaves.

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