Chapter 2: Three Days Later

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I stare out the window in complete awe as I look over the vast beauty of the countryside in Ireland forgetting my fear of heights for a few moments. I feel my mothers eyes hovering over my shoulders and i turn to face her with a big bright smile and she doesn't hesitate to smile back. Moments later I feel my stomach turning, twisting and knotting inside me and I excuse myself as I leave my seat wondering my way cautiously down down the idle of the plane to the bathroom where I find myself becoming sick. I never did have a strong stomach when flying…and my fear of heights made it somewhat worse. “God I hate flying…” 

After 10 minutes cooped up and throwing my guts up in the bathroom, I clean myself up and as I leaved and start to walk down the plane, a tall and slender man wearing a particularly unusual dark outfit the seemed like a black suit but more casual with a black metal cane with a snake made of silver with two flawless rubies making the eyes that seemed to draw you in coiled around it, walked up in my direction and made me feel uneasy and insecure by watching my eyes the whole time I walked. What made me feel worse was the almost demonic grin he gave me. Seconds after I pass the man I feel his eyes throwing daggers at my back so I turn around expecting him to be staring at me but I notice he is gone. Where though? 

I shudder slightly as I take my seat muttering to myself under my breath “strange…who was he…stalker maybe?…who cares”. Just as my mother starts to talk to me about things, we become startled by a sudden violent shake after shake continuously from the plane. I look at my mum as she is gripping the arms of the chair staring out the window in horror. For a woman who has the patience of a saint and isn't afraid of much after her childhood I felt like something isn't good if she is like this. I can see in the reflection of her widened eyes the whole wing of the plane is engulfed in black smoke and bright flames tearing the way through the wing and pieces of metal starting to burn up and become detached from it. At that moment I hesitated to look out the direction of the window but when I did within the flames inching their way closer to the body of the plane I unbelievably see the mysterious man standing, yes standing, on the wing on the plane. My eyes widened and I shook my head thinking I was seeing things but he was standing there looking directly at me with that same fucking grin.

As everyone around me screams and frantically panic out of fear and horror, I can’t help but just sit there and stare at his grin…this time…this time I realized it really was demonic…a whole set of teeth daggering out in his mouth like lined up knives sharped to hell and back, and his eyes, like nothing I’ve ever seen, they look as if they could literally see into your soul and cut and rip you apart from the inside. He looks me directly in the eye and his grin fades into a black expression and he mouths the words “You’re Mine…” I hear these words echo through my brain with a cold, spine tingling and yet powerful male voice as my mother grabs my shoulders yanking me back away from the window to the isle of the plane where in an instant my head collides with another mans knee instantly knocking me unconscious.

As I come to, I open my eyes seeing the back of the seat in front of me and sighs to myself. “Thank God it was just a dream!!!…” I close my eyes for a few moments and sigh to myself again in relief then I open them turning towards my mum pulling out my phone looking at it. “Hey mum, when are we supposed too la-”. As I look up at my mum I freeze in shock and terror as my brain tries to process the scene set in front of me. My eyes start to well up and tears stream uncontrollably down my cheeks as I see my mothers, fathers and little brothers dead and scorched slightly but mainly charred bodies sitting lined up in the seats next to mine surrounded by others scorched and severed by shrapnel broken off from the plane. I look around still horrified by what I had seen and realize that everyone except me is dead… 


My heart climbs up into my throat pounding so fast and so hard I can barely hear myself think anymore. Whats going on?! Whats happened?! Why arent there any other survivers?! My mind and thoughts go nuts as I stand up spinning slowly taking in the whole scene my body is cooped up in the middle of...large pieces of shrapnel pinnig bodies to the ground, broken glass everywhere and scatterd torn and teared and burnt bodies some still fully conjoint, others being torn limb from limb scattered between other bodies...and blood...everywhere. Not even the slightest sign of life.

I want to scream...I want to scream so bad...but nothing comes out. As I go run from the scene like the coward I am I found myself become wrapped in pain as I feel a sharp piecring feeling through my left thigh and rib cage. I look down in pain to see two pieces of razor sharp metalic silver shrapnel spiking straight into my leg and a large deep cut wound through my ribs. I clench my jaw ripping the metal out of my legs knowing if I leave it in id just get worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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