Destiel Part 1

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«Okay, now before I start this I would like to say that what ever is going to be written in the next two parts was a request from my Destiel shipping friend Emma. She is a very, very special cookie... she's also always going on and on and on about the musical supernatural episode "Fanfiction".

Emma, sweetie, I love you, I really do, but you are very special.»

"Dean, you can't be serious!" Sam said in disbelief. "This is ridiculous, we, we can find another way-"

"Sammy there is no other way." I growled at him. This argument was getting old, I was prepared to do it, I knew what was needed to do it. Hell I was doing it whether he wanted me to or not, I'll be damned if I let him take the fall for this. I promised dad I would protect him.

"Dean? Dean!" My attention snapped back to Sam to see him staring at me. My green eyes stared into his, he said in an angry voice, "Dean, don't do this."

"I have to." I replied in an a voice that left no room for discussion. I grabbed my bag and threw it in the trunk. "The mark will slowly drive me mad, Sammy. I, I think it's best if we, or at least I go my own way for a while."

"Dean..." he pleaded. "Man you can't leave! I love you, you're my brother! We stick together!"

"Dude, no chick flick moments."

"You love chick flicks." He stated, with an angry look.

"Yeah, you're right." I mumbled. "Just, tell Cas what I've decided. Explain it to him, he's gonna be like a lost puppy, he just won't get it." I said clearing my throat. "And, Sam?"

"Yeah, Dean?" His hazel eyes alight with anger.

"Don't do anything stupid." I said looking him directly in the eyes. He nodded. "Last thing we need is to unleash another apocalypse."

"Yeah, okay Dean, I'll behave." Sam said.

"Good. Well goodbye Sammy."

"Bye Dean."


I had been driving for awhile, two, three days I think, when my phone rang. I looked over to see a picture of Cas looking extremely confused. I sighed heavily through my nose, I knew he would track me down sooner or later, personally I preferred later. Taking a deep breath I reached over and grabbed the phone and slid my thumb over to the green phone icon.

"Dean?" A deep, husky voice asked.

"Hey Cas." I replied. "Whats up? Sam didn't do something stupid did he?"

No reply.

"Cas?" I asked into the phone.

"Hello Dean." He said from the back seat. I let out a very manly scream when I realized he was right behind me.

"Holy shit Cas! What were you thinking?" I yelled.

"What? I came to the back seat because you usually do something stupid when I teleport to the front seat." He said confused, his eyebrows knit together.

"Cas, just come to the front seat, you scare the shit out of us no matter where you teleport."

I heard a whooshing sound and he was in the front seat beside me.

"What are you doing here Cas?" I asked without taking my eyes off the road.

"Sam told me that you are leaving, why?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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