Something's Begun

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@InnisLane94 Here's your x reader! I hope you like it <3

You knock on the door of the human Nana, frowning at your shaking hands. Blinky opened the door and grinned, beckoning you inside. "Welcome Beryl, come in! Dictatious is coming soon, he's at Master Jim's house finding a movie to watch with you. I must leave for troll market soon, but can I get you anything while you wait?" You shake your head and sit down in a squishy armchair, trying to calm your nerves.

"Thanks you, but I'm just a little nervous right now. First date jitters and all that." You shrug shyly and smile at the kind blue troll across from you. Blinky has gotten himself a coffee and sips it before nodding, eyes full of compassion. "I promise you, it will be fine. Dictatious has not stopped talking about you for months. I believe him to be completely infatuated."

With a little gasp, you look away and shake your head. "You can't be serious. I love the flattery, but that can't be true." You grip your hands together and sigh, then flinch in surprise as Blinky slaps a hand against a side table in shock. "Why on earth would you think that? I would not lie about something such as this. Are you not romantically interested in my brother?"

You start shaking, and two of your hands rise to cover your eyes in shame. "I think I love him, and it scares me to death... do you want to know what my secret is? My awful secret?" Blinky's gentle grasp pulls your hands down to rest in your lap, and he nods slowly.

"I have never been a pretty troll, and I feel like I am taking advantage of Dictatious because of his blindness. Every day I have known him I keep asking myself if he would even look twice if he could see my face. I could hardly believe it when he asked to court me..."

Blinky shook his head, mystified. "Do you think he would reject you for something so shallow? You are a beautiful troll, but Dictatious couldn't care less about looks, even if he could still see. He has described you to me and many others as funny, sweet, caring, creative, fearless..."

Blinky finished off his coffee and fills the cup with whipped cream before setting it back down and continuing to talk. "What I think he likes most about you is the fact that you do not judge his past. Not many females are interested in the ex-advisor of Gunmar the Black, despite his return to our side before the end of the war. If you don't mind me asking, why are you different in this respect?"

Hearing that Dictatious loves you for more than looks makes you feel a lot better, and you feel yourself start to slowly relax as think of how to answer Blinky's question. "Well, I believe that everyone makes mistakes, and everyone deserves second chances to become better people, no matter what they've done. Dictatious simply took a bit longer to find himself and see that what he was doing was wrong. He's not a bad troll, he just needs to feel secure in himself."

Blinky patted your knee and grinned. "I'm glad to hear it. Personally it has taken a long time to be okay with my brother being back in my life, and sometimes I still can't bring myself to trust him. I am optimistic that his relationship with you will do a lot to help him, and perhaps me as well. I really enjoy your company Beryl, and I hope that you and Dictatious can make each other so much happier. Are you feeling better about the date yet?"

You nod just as Blinky's phone buzz, and your face breaks into a grin when you see Dictatious's number on the screen. "Hello? Ah, perfect, she's waiting right inside Nana's house for you. What? I think that movie sounds fine, although I haven't seen it. Once you're here I need to get going, Master Jim has a late night training session and he wants my opinion on a move. Alright, see you soon. Bye."

Blinky shoved his phone into his pocket and stood, downing the rest of his whipped cream before throwing away the cup. He comes back into the living room and you give him a hug, grateful to have met such a reassuring troll and to have his approval. "Thank you so much. I was so nervous on my way here, and now I'm just so excited to spent time with him. I just overreact about everything, and a relationship is no exception."

You break apart just as the door opens and Dictatious steps in, grinning and clutching a huge bunch of flowers. "Beryl? These are for you." You take them and lean against Dictatious's chest, inhaling the sweet smell of the flowers, mixed with your date's earthy scent. "Thank you, this is really sweet." Blinky had subtly disappeared when you lead Dictatious back into the living room, and you see Toby close the door and leave after flashing you a thumbs up.

"Tobias told me that flowers are a common romantic gesture around humans, and I thought that they might suffice for this occasion as well. You are sure you like them?" You giggle and nuzzle your nose against Dictatious's cheek, making him smile sheepishly. "Of course I do. Now, what movie did you find?"

As the movie begins, you slide two of your hands into his, and Dicatatious leans gently against you. While he cannot see the movie, Dictatious still enjoys listening to it- but the best part of it for him is being able to be close to you.

*Thanks for reading!! This was my first request fill and I loved doing it, it was a great challenge. Thank you InnisLane94 for the great idea. Please let me know what you think guys :)*

🎉 A Confession and a Budding Love (Dictatious x Reader Request fill) hikayesini okumayı bitirdin 🎉
A Confession and a Budding Love (Dictatious x Reader Request fill)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin