Taken By Ticci Toby

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Daisy Ryder has yet to return home after the 5 months of her being missing. She was last seen at the Ryder home on janurary 10, said to be about to play video games with her brother. It was arond 6:00 pm at that time, and it was of course already dark. Her family says that she wore a black One Direction hoodie and red skinny jeans at last sight, and that no clothes seemed to be took from her room. They said that by the looks of it she only took her phone.

"It just doesn't add up," Says her mother Angelica, 36. "She couldn't of run away and not took anything with her, she's too smart for that."

Daisy was an honor roll student at Everstone Highschool, as well as a well-liked friend. The highschool has put up a memorial in the hopes of her return.

"Daisy had such an amazing attitude toward everything.." Says Landon, a student of Everstone. " I was such a terrible person to her though, and I regret that to this day."

Her brother Milo is said to be taking it harder then anyone else. Milo, the twin of her and bestfriend, was the last person too see her. " I can recall Daisy telling me, 'Milo you gotta do this on your own, we won't always be by eachother's side'... and now I have to keep those words with me. Daize was always there for me and always had my back, she was the protective sister as opposed to me being a protective brother." Milo tells reporters that since Daisy has been gone people have been nicer, but yet he wants it back to normal.

What makes this case more interesting is that the family's Kawoski ATV went missing that day, but appeared strangely at their house 3 months later. The vehicle had no damage to it except minor scrapes in the paint. It looked as if the controls were brand new and the gas was full. The police examined it to find no evidence of who sent it back. No fingerprints were left on it's surface, no hair, dead skin, or anything of that matter was found at all.

This case has not only the state of minnesota puzzled, but all of North America is finding out. This truly is a complex mystery, and the authorities are determined to get to the bottom of it.

If you see Daisy Ryder or have any clues as to where she might be contact us

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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