A small smile to love

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Foxglove POV

(Foxglove is the youngest Glorybringer child)

"Hey Fox." A blue green seawing said while carefully monovering through a tree.

"Hey." I replied 

"So, are you enjoying the last day of rainforest for a year." 

"I guess so River I am excited to learn but I love the rainforest. Maybe on the first day we could sign up for a fight class and beat the crap out of people." I smiled and touched the small pendant round my neck. It didn't look like much just a pendant of a pretty flower (a Foxglove to be exact) but inside was an actual Foxglove flower that could be used a a poison it stunned even the strongest of  enemies .

"Right. I don't think they have a fight class."

"Well they might." I looked at the sky. It was almost noon. "We have to go it's noon."

River nodded. I easily flipped out of the tree. And he fell for a few feet then followed me into the sky.

All of the dragons of destiny met at the rainforest. Queen coral still hated riptide so Tsunami had found a small island of the coast of the rainforest kingdom, this island was a short flight from the     mangroves. Clay and Peril lived in a small cave on the right side of JMA. And starflignt and Fatespeaker lived next to the rainforest library so starflight could do something he loves even during the summer. Even Fatespeaker  enjoyed the library. Sunny lives in the stronghold with Thorn Smolder and her two younger siblings Golden and coyote. 

Nearly all the Dragons of Destiny had children. Glory and Deathbringer had me (Foxglove) and my older twin brothers bluemoon and bloodmoon. Tsunami and Riptide had River. Clay and peril had cattail. Cattail actually didn't have a name for two weeks after she hatched so clay named her after his mother who had died a month earlier. Fatespeaker and Starflight had a 2 week or dragonet named silversight but they have been calling him sight. And Sunny had met a dragon that she told us she went on a few date with but have yet to tell us who he is.

I leaned softly on the platform so I could look at the clock. It was a 10 minutes after noon. My family plays this game were the winner doesn't get anything but it is fun. I snuck to the other side of the circle that the DOD made. Mom saw me and she gave a small smirk. Dad was sitting by mom but he still didn't see me I carefully corrected the color in my wings I slowly inches forward and pounced. With a short movement I flipped dad onto his back and hit a pressure point in his neck making him unable to stand while I was sitting on him. And I made my scales a light purple with an indigo color round my eyes ruff and corners of my wings.

"12:16 I won!" I said

He let out a short laugh "Good job! You got me!"

I released the pressure point and let him get up. I looked towards the other DOD.Tsunami looked like she was about to laugh. And Sunny looked scared.

"You are going to be a joy in class!" Tsunami snorted 

"Just don't get on her bad side!" River replied to his mom.

"Alright where are the boys," Deathbringer asked "We need to leave."

"I'll get them." I said as I closed my eyes to find their mindes. I felt river first the mom and dad ah there they are. Their minds were always untwined so they could talk to each other in their minds. I inched toward their mindshif (where their  minds interlink) and tapped in.

Foxglove: Hey bros it is time to go. Also I won the game

Bluemoon: ok we will be right there

Bloodmoon: Dang you are getting better at tapping into thoughts. You sound so clear.

Foxglove: Hm that's weird I have been doing it more often.

Bloodmoon: Why are you doing it more often...

Foxglove: To get better why else? 

Bluemoon:Ah whatever we will be right there.

I opened my eyes to see everyone in the room staring at me.

"I totally forgot you could do that." Sunny commented "please just keep out of our minds."

"Don't worry Sunny I only enter minds if I have permission."

 POV switch ~River~

Fox closed her silver eyes. Her eyes twitched for a while then she sat completely still fully untwined in others thoughts. She opened her eyes again.

"I totally forgot you could do that." Sunny commented "please just keep out of our minds."

"Don't worry Sunny I only enter minds if I have permission." She said with a small smile and an eye roll. The small smile I have come to know and love. Any Time Fox enters my mind I sheild this part of me away. The part where I may have feelings for her she shall never know about. That was the first thing Fox thought me. It was a simple task of just imagining the thoughts were behind a locked door. She also taught me signs of when she was coming into my mind. Ours is a small humming. Then blue and blood (the two older Glorybringer dragonets) walked through the door.


Ohhh myyy goshhh!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!! Guys! So on the ranking board this book was 29 out of 516! When I read my ranking I was with friends and one girl who we didn't know who was talking to us. I am a somewhat shy human being so when I discovered my ranking I was sitting there shaking not wanting to explode into a human ball of joy. Eventually I let out a small shriek. In the end my friends were proud and the person we didn't know didn't think of me of that weird yay!

Anyway sorry about the short chapter I am just introducing ya to the lovely dragonets.

Love ya guys!


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