Chapter 12

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What were you thinking? I have explained to you both how important it is that Dagger receives therapy. You do realise Tessa's reports may be presented to the counsel if Armstrong tries to take him back?” Tessa heard Ian Evans demand as she woke up.

“I know I messed up” sighed Alpha Sutherland. “I just thought if she had some time to bond with the boy before she spent time with Blade she might be less likely to reject him”

“WAIT WHAT?” Tessa exclaimed from the bedroom.

“I think you just woke the lady in question” she heard Tim chuckle.

Tessa quickly jumped out of bed and grabbed some clothes before heading into the bathroom. Ten minutes later she stepped back out to find Ian and Tim waiting for her.

“Alpha Sutherland believes you may be Blades mate. He has agreed to let you observe the family this morning and promises not to interfere any further regardless of whether you are or not”. Ian informed her before she could ask. “I suggest you head up there now. Rumour is Armstrong is going to contest custody of the pup. Your going to have to work intensively now to stop that”.

“I thought we were supposed to remain impartial” Tessa commented as she gathered a few things into a bag.

“Perhaps” Ian conceded “But we both know that little boy should be with family rather than used as a political pawn”.

“We’re not supposed to refer to Alphas as meatheads either, but sometimes we do” Added Tim teasingly as she headed out the door. “Don’t worry I’ll start planning the wedding” he called after her as she started jogging towards the packhouse.

Before long Tessa stood waiting before the Alphas double doors.“Thank you for coming” The Alpha greeted opening the door. “I just want to apologise for earlier”

“It's fine Alpha Sutherland” Tessa reassured him. “I think it would be best to put it behind us and concentrate on Dagger.”She said looking around the room searching for him.

“He is still asleep with Blade at the moment, do you want me to wake them?”

“No that's fine. Does he normally Sleep with Blade?” Tessa asked as she spotted the childlocked Ipad on the couch.

“Not usually no. Blade fell asleep next to his toddler bed. Looked like he was comforting him.

As the housekeeper a sweet older she wolf named Helen bustled around the kitchen, Tessa checked for any open apps and video history on the Ipad. Accepting a cup of coffee, she looked around the room trying to pick a spot where she could watch the family without getting in the way.

Blade woke up to Dagger tapping him on the arm. “Hey little wolf, are you ready to get up? Come on let's change your bum then get something to eat.”

A few minutes later they walked into the kitchen. He popped Dagger into the highchair and put some toast on the tray.
“I’m just going to go get changed” he told his Uncle who was already at the table.

He quickly jumped in the shower and got changed, 10 minutes later he was back in the kitchen. He found Dagger already laying  on the couch staring at the tv with his teddy.
“Did he eat anything?” He asked his Uncle.

“No I am afraid not” was the tense reply.

“Something wrong Uncle Andrew?” Blade asked concerned at the older mans tone.

“Miss Torrent is observing us this morning” he replied pointing to the open doors. Outside sat a beautiful brunette woman, seemingly relaxing in the morning sunlight.
“I think it's best if we have a quick word before I introduce you.” He said leading Blade back down the hall.

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