♦ C H A P T E R T H R E E ♦

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The next day, Mikan was ready for a scandal coming out about last night but there was none. At least the girl had common sense. If the girl made a scandal out of it, she must hold a press conference and that will take loads of time. She wanted to spend her time making music, not for some useless things like meetings and such. It seems so cliche but it's the truth. She has one more year in the music industry so she wants to give it her all. 

She told Natsume what happened earlier and she was glad. Her bad mood quickly turned to good because of Natsume's rants and words like how he wanted to beat the crap out of them. After the conversation with him, she had more talk shows to do, more promotions, and more singing. Luckily, her last show of the day is with Ellen so she was glad to end the day with laughter. 

"Thank you for the hard work, Season! It's nice to talk to you!" Ellen said before walking away to her dressing room. Mikan waved at her and decided to tell Jae-Ho she was going home alone. 

When she was walking towards the dressing room, she noticed footsteps behind her. She walked faster and the footsteps also go faster. When she slowed down, It also slowed down. She turned around only to saw no one. 

She sighs in relief and when she turns around, she was faced with a wall. Well, more like a person. "What are you doing here, Mikan?" Luckily she knows the voice by heart. Mikan breathes out the air she unconsciously was holding. "Nothing, Jae-Ho. I was on the way to tell you that I'm going home. Do you want to come along?" 

The day ended with Jae-Ho driving Mikan home. She felt guilty for not telling Jae-Ho about earlier because he is her manager after all. But she decided against it. She didn't want him worrying over her and ordering someone to follow her everywhere she goes. She already experienced it and it was awful

After she washed her face and changed her clothes, she was about to sleep when she heard someone knocking on her door. She froze and tried to remember if anyone had told her they want to come over but nothing comes to her mind. Being the brave adult she was, she takes the baseball bat she had and peeked through the peek hole in her door. 

No one.

The brunette sighs before opening the door and looked in the hallway to see no one there. She looked down and see a letter with a writing that says 'To Season/Mikan'. She takes the letter and looks behind her to make sure no one is there before closing the door. "Who would send me a letter in the middle of the night?" She asked no one. Mikan opens the letter and reads the piece of paper. 

"Dear Season, 

Be careful of who you trust.

I may or may not be near you, 

I can be right beside you

and you won't even know.

Love, R.S"

R.S? She didn't know anyone with that initials. She tried to think of anyone but came none. Whoever sent this letter is the same person who followed her. It has to be. RING RING... Mikan looks at her phone and sees Natsume's name on the screen. "NATSUME! I'm glad you called! I just got a letter from an unknown person with the initials R.S! The person said I need to be careful! What should I do Natsume!" Natsume, on the other hand, didn't catch clearly what she said and asked her to say it again with a slower tempo. 

"I'm coming to America, Mikan. Tomorrow I need to attend a meeting there and I'll come to see you as well." Natsume informed her. Mikan felt her tummy swarming with butterflies. She could finally see Natsume again after so long! Yes, they always face-timed and skyped but that was different. She finally can see his 3D form again! 

"How long are you staying here, Natsume?"  "As long as I want. I'm on my break right now since my father insisted me to take a break after working every day. After hearing about this, I'm glad I did take the break. This way I can protect you, Mikan." 

Mikan smiles as he said this. He's still the same after all those years before they had broken up. He was always protective of her. When she was hospitalized, he always blames himself for the accident but he wasn't at fault. 

"Ruka, search for anyone by the initial R.S from the people around Mikan. I want him found this week. Mikan is in danger and I want to make sure she is safe." Natsume said in his call with Ruka. Ruka answered with a yes before ending the call. Natsume has just arrived in America and there were girls around him, trying to get his attention. He pushed himself past those girls and reached the exit. He saw a familiar figure sitting down on a bench. He peeked at their face to make sure it is who he thinks it is. 

The woman was wearing black sunglasses and a black mask to hide half of her face. She also wears a black cap. If he didn't know who she is, he would think she was a stalker or some kind of killer in all black. 

"Boo," Natsume whispered to her ears and Mikan instantly jumped from her seat. There he was, he still hasn't changed since the last time she saw him. Still, the same handsome crimson-eyed man she loves. "NATSUME!!!" Mikan jumps at him and traps his waist with her legs around him. Natsume holds her bottom so she doesn't fall down. "I missed you."  "Me too, Mikan." 

Both of them gets in her car and drives towards her home because he is going to stay with her while he is there. The reason is 'I need to be by your side 24/7 to protect you' and Mikan being the naive girl she is believed him. Well, it's true he wanted to protect her. The other reason is... you don't need to know it.

After dropping his stuff, Natsume had to leave for his meeting so Mikan stayed back while he goes to the company. He had a driver from the company waiting for him outside her house. "Remember, lock the door and call me if there is a problem. If I don't pick up, call Imai. Don't let any strangers come in and make sure to see from the peek hole first before deciding to open the door or not." Natsume places his left hand on her right cheek and caresses it. He didn't want her to be hurt. Mikan leaned to his touch as she smiled. 

"Alright, enough with the chit-chat and go or else you'll be late for the meeting." Mikan playfully pushes him to the door. Natsume smirked and stole a kiss from her before running off to the exit. Meanwhile, Mikan was a blushing mess

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