chapter 2 (part1)

Start from the beginning

How did these people make it throughtwo months without me?

#surprised: P

-A de L

'SLUUU! I missed you :’( wanna hang?

I really need to talk to you in private.. <3


Our Café in 20?


Def. C U then Boo.

&whatever happens remember: CHICKS B4 DICKS


Was Brittany trying to warn me from something? Did it have anything to do with my longtime boyfriend Brian? I mean “chicks before dicks” what’s she hinting at?  I hadn’t seen him in 2 months and besides the occasional “miss you” or “CampsGR8” text we hadn’t really talked. Brian and I had been dating since the eighth grade. That was practically forever! And it just seemed like we were drifting and we’d definitely been arguing more than usual right before I’d left..Don’t worry. Things will workout just fine. You’ve been with him forever ; he wouldn’t have stuck around for that long if he had an issue with ME… right?Still…. Shooting him a text couldn’t hurt. 

Hey b. im back, got any plans for tonight?

I kinda missed you :P


It felt like hours while I waited for the reply.

ARIANNA. <3 I am soo sorry babe. I’m

At a friend’s right now

 A bang pulled me out of my thoughts and back to the kitchen.

Inez had set a grilled cheese sandwich and a glass of iced tea hard on the counter. The rumbling of my stomach made me forget the whole Brian thing and I delved into the world’s most delicious G.C.B.


The Chump dropped me off right in front of the café I’d spent countless hours lounging around in throughout the years: gossiping, meeting up, planning amazing parties, getting over heartbreaks (other people of course never my own heartbreaks), hiding from the boys, coordinating outfits and sometimes for no good reason at all. It was a tiny Mod café just a 5 minute drive from my house named The Blue Plate. It was the epicenter of most of my teenage life since its opening which was coincidentally a week before my 11th birthday.

 “I don’t need you anymore, ill get Brittany to drop me off kay?”

Getting out of the sedan I made my way into the tiny café. Immediately I was attacked by 3 pairs of arms and nonstop chatter.

“OHMYGOD! Your so fucking tan! Im like so jelly!”

“I missed you sooo much man you don’t ..

“GAAAAAH. Your butt looks amazing”

we all stopped at the last comment.

“what? It does!” Chrissy said matter-of-factly, flipping her hair.

Giggling I led the girls back to our usual table pulling Brittany  with me as I slid into the booth. Sitting across from me were 2 of my favorite faces and one I really could live with out. On the left sat Alana. She had carmel-colored skin and smooth black hair. Her most striking features were her sparkling grey eyes, inherited from her mother. Alana was model tall and had a slim dancer’s body. Unlike the rest of us shed continued to persue ballet after the usual ballerina phase most girls have at age 4.

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