Studio Tension

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(A/N: hey guys so I was going through my old stories and found this little ditty. I wrote this years ago, but I edited it and polished it up to be published. I have another imagine that I'm working on at the moment and another part for Tom's Intern. So bear with me. Oh, and SMUT WARNING.)

In the later months of 2003, blink-182 was finishing up their album collectively called Blink-182. I was in love with the sound of the new record because it was darker than the other ones and it didn't include many joke songs, if any at all.

It became increasingly harder to ignore the tension that was arising between me and Tom during the last part of the recording process. Even Mark and Travis had started noticing, when they weren't fighting with Tom over sound and personal stuff. But that's beside the fact.

One late afternoon, Tom picked me up from my house so we could carpool to the studio to mix some of the remaining songs on the record. I was merely joining in as a companion to the band rather than actually having any say in what was going to be produced.

"Why so late?" I asked as I hopped into his SUV.

"Because, I don't know. That's just what Mark and Travis decided."

"How come you don't get any say in the band anymore? You basically formed it."
"You're telling me. Fuck. I don't know. I don't want to think about that right now, to be honest. Wanna take the long way to the studio? We've got some time to kill."

"I don't care, Tom. You're the driver."

He turned down a back road that led us completely to the other side of town. I glanced over at him and grinned slightly as I saw the late afternoon sun shine on his arm covered with colorful tattoos. His brown eyes flickered back at me and then landed back on the road. I looked out my window at the passing landscape until I felt a warm palm on my thigh. It didn't startle me, but it made me turn my head to look at him questioningly. He did his Tom DeLonge sideways smirk and started squeezing my thigh a little bit. I squirmed in my seat and crossed my legs at the ankles.

"Let's take a small detour." He said, his voice a little calmer and deeper than usual. I nodded and huffed a small whine as my response, and I heard Tom giggle under his breath as he moved his big hand a ways up my thigh.

The sun had almost set by the time Tom pulled over behind a deserted building. He turned off the ignition and looked over at me lustily. I didn't waste any time ripping off my seatbelt to lean over and grab his face and pull him into me. He didn't resist. Rather, he let me push my lips onto his. The chill from his lip ring startled me as I felt his hand on the back of my neck, securing me there against him. I heard him moan slightly, sending chills down my spine. My hand found the cloth of his t-shirt as I grabbed a fistful of it on the side of his lanky body. We stayed like that, kissing hard for a decent amount of time, but we both wanted more and we knew it.

I felt his large hand move to my hip and I brushed his sweaty black hair away from the front of his face. I smiled and grabbed his hand to move it to the front of my pants.

"Shit," he breathed out, his lips trailing down to my neck. The black hair that had grown so long tickled my skin momentarily until I became aware that he was fumbling with the button on my pants. I laughed and helped him out to make things go quicker because I wanted him so badly.

Tom breathed warmly onto my neck, bringing his fingers up to lick them before slowly sliding them into my pants.

"So you're ready for me I see." He whispered devilishly into my ear.

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