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Y/N has created a chat
Y/N has added,Tony,Steve,Bruce

Y/N: can anyone explain why Peter has a sudden Stutter?

Tony: uh what?

Steve: I talked to Peter while ago he doesn't stuuter

Bruce: haven't you guys noticed?

Y/N: he stutter all the time

Bruce: he only stutters when he is talking to or about Y/N

Y/N: uh...what?

Tony: true

Steve: Aww Peter either has a crush on you or is like totally afraid of you...

Steve: I think it's the crush part though

Y/N: why would Peter like me?I mean I get why he would be afraid...but crush?!!

Tony: I'm testing this hypothesis...

Steve: English please

Tony: wOw

Tony has added Peter

Peter: Hello

Y/N: hey Petie

Peter: HeyY/N

Y/N: Peter do you like....have a crush on me?

Peter: um...no....maybe....yes

Tony:aww...ask her out now

Steve: tOnY!!!

Bruce: I'm out

Bruce has left the chat

Y/N: finally!!! I like you two Pete!❤

Peter: REALLY?!?

Y/N: OF COURSE!!!❤❤❤

Tony has been disconnected...

Bruce: Tf happened to Tony?

Steve: He suddenly fainted

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