"I'm sorry this happened," MJ responded.

A buzz came from her pocket and she pulled out her phone, "It's Peter,"

I get up and watch as she answers the phone and walks away from me a little.



"I'm sorry this happened," I tell her.

She slowly nods just as my phone begins to buzz in my pocket. I have no friends so who could be calling me.

I take my phone out of my pocket and see Peter's name on my screen, "It's Peter,"

Y/N looks up and then sits up on the couch as I answer my phone. I walk into the kitchen to talk to him.

"What Parker?" I sigh.

"MJ, is Y/N over there?" His voice sounds rushed and worried. God, he's such a dork.

I rub my forehead and look over at Y/N who is intently listening to my conversation, "Yeah, she's here."

"Please tell her I'm sorry and I need to talk to her,"

"Not a chance Parker, you've already messed with her mind enough."

"I'm not trying to mess with her. I love her, please MJ?" He whines into the phone.

I turn away from Y/N and reply to him, "Only my friends get to call me that."

I take the phone away from my ear and hang up just as he was beginning to whine again. I'm trying to be a good friend, and I don't think Peter is the best option for Y/N right now,

Y/n got up from the couch and walked hesitantly towards me, "So? What did he say?"

"He just wanted to know if you were here," I tell her.

She looked disappointed as if she was expecting more, that's when I gave in, "He also said he's sorry and wants to talk to you,"

She stands up straighter, "Well I'm not talking to him," she says assuringly. But she says it more like she's assuring herself that.

"Right, OK." I put my phone down on the table, "Let's go watch a movie,"


Y/N's POV:

All night MJ and I watched various movies to take my mind off of the whole situation with Peter. MJ fell asleep about 12 AM but I was tossing back and forth on the couch until 2 AM.

I have a feeling like I overreacted about the whole thing. But, also Peter did technically kiss her and then he didn't tell me.

My mind was going back and forth, finally, I got upset and got up quietly, trying not to wake MJ. I only had a tank top and shorts on so I grabbed a small jacket that I bought and then headed to the kitchen table. I walked over to the desk in the kitchen and grabbed a notepad and paper.

"Went for a walk. Be back soon." I wrote down. I tore out the paper and laid it by MJ on the couch.

Then, I wandered over to the door, opened it and made my way into the night.


My feet ended up taking me to Peter's apartment. I should've known that's where I was heading. I got up to his building and located the fire escape ladder. I began to climb up it and went up to Peter's apartment.

I found the window looking into Peter's room to see him fast asleep in bed. I used my telekinesis to open his window quietly. I quickly jumped inside and walked over to Peter in his bed.

His phone was laying in his hand and the screen was lit up with text messages he sent to me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone with 17 notifications from Peter.

I walked over to his desk where there was a picture in a frame. The picture was of me and him at the ice cream parlor the night he came back from Switzerland with Tony Stark.

Elise had taken the picture on my camera. I had my arms wrapped around Peter and he had his arms wrapped around me in a big hug. We both looked so happy.

I smile softly to myself as I remember the memory. I was dragged out of my thoughts when I heard Peter's phone buzz.

I moved over to where his phone was laying in his hand and I looked at the screen at the message. I know, I'm snooping. But I'm a nosy person.

I'm shocked you're awake at 2:00 AM. But yes, you can come over tomorrow after school ;) see you then.

My heart broke a little more reading that. Why is he going over to her house?

A single tear fell down my face as I crawled back out of the window and onto the fire escape ladder. I climbed down and stepped off when I got to the bottom.

I wipe my tear away and shove my hands in my pocket as I walk back to MJ's house.


I got back around 3 AM, and quietly opened the door and closed it. I slid my jacket off and placed it on the kitchen chair.

I looked over at MJ to see that she was still fast asleep. I grabbed the note that I left near her and crumpled it up. I slumped back on the couch and covered myself with the blanket.

My thoughts while falling asleep were all about Peter. I couldn't get him off my mind. Maybe I can't get him off my mind because he's supposed to be there.

Maybe I can't get him off my mind because my mind knows what my heart's denying.





A/N: This was a sad chapter aw. I feel so sad when I write these. But why do you guys think Peter is going to Liz's house? Thank you so much for reading. Remember to comment, vote and follow! Love you all.

Love always,

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