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-Your POV-

*flashback to several years ago, Ben: 18, (Y/N): 16*

I woke up feeling that someone is hugging me from behind. I slowly turned around and saw my best friend, Ben Solo.

I smiled at him even though I was confused. 'What is he doing here? I mean we do share chamber but what is he doing in my bed? Doesn't he has his own bed?'

Ever since our friends stopped hanging out with us, we hung out by ourselves. We didn't mind as long as we had fun and respected each others privacy. Then he finally spoke. "Sorry if I disturbed you. I had a nightmare and that's why I came to you. You give me comfort." I blushed slightly at that and felt him hug me even tighter. "Ben... are you ok? You are acting weird." "Really? I thought you liked me and my hugs." I blushed even more to that. "What- of course I like you." And then I realised what I said. "Wait! No I don't like you! No! I do but...argh..." I just looked down from embarrassment just to see that he is shirtless.

Great, just great. That was a totally helping. "Why are you shirtless? You will catch a cold. Put on a shirt." I still didn't know how I managed to make a normal sentence with him being like that.

"I will go to take a shower. Be right back."
After i finished I came out of the bathroom and saw him on my bed.
"Come on Ben. We will be late."

He stated acting weirder and weirder every following day. I didn't like nor did Master Luke. We were worried. He didnt get enough of sleep and he didn't eat. He had bags under his eyes and he became pales and slimmer. Bad slim. If you asked him if he needed anything orfif he was ok he would just ignore you.

One day he just disappeared. His stuff were still here. I finished practice with Master Luke and now I am in our shared chamber. Suddenly, Ben barged in our room. He was wearing black (no surprise) and he looked sick. I stood up and walked over to him. I tried to reach for his face but he slapped my hand away.

"Do you love me?"
"W-What? Of course I love you. Why are you asking this? Ben where were you? You made me worried. Are you ok?"
"I'm fine." (BTS anyone?)
"No you are not. You don't look fine to me. What happened?"
"Luke told me I couldn't be with you. He know that we love each other. He demanded me to leave."
"Y-you won't leave right? You will not let him separate us. Right?"
"Of course not love. I won't allow him do that. But we can run away from here and live happily."
"Where would we go?"
"Snoke told me that we would live together if we come to him. He will get rid of everything on our way and nothing will stop us."
"You are willing to turn to the Dark Side just to live happily? Are you crazy?"
"You love me don't you?"
"Yes I-"
"Then come with me! We could be happy. We are being separate by the rules here. If you love me you will cone with me."
"N-no. Don't do this Ben. Please. Anything but this."
"You don't love me."
"Yes I do! I live you but don't do this! I can't l-"

Everything became black. I don't remember anything that happened after that. General Organa took me in. I met Poe. He was really sweet guy. I also met Rey and Finn. Rey told me about Ben, or how he calls himself, Kylo Ren.

*flashback ended, present time*

This is just a flashback chapter so you could catch up with everything that happened.
Hope you liked and enjoyed.
Word count: 654


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2018 ⏰

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