This person texts me

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*phone beeps*
Me: H-hello?
Sadie: Hi. Do you have the wrong number?
Me: Oh- this isn't my mom😂 Sorry
Sadie: It's fine.
*the next day*
Sadie: I didn't catch your name. Who are you?
Me: Zack.
Sadie: Hi Zack, I'm Sadie.
Me: Well, I have school. I'll text you later.
Sadie: K, bye.
*later on*
Sadie: R u home from school?
Me: Yes.
Sadie: Good.
Me: So, what r u doing tonight? I have no school tomorrow. It's the weekend.
Sadie: Nothing much. How about you?
Me: Nothing much.
*Sadie's side of the story:
I texted Zack by mistake. I really didn't mean to. He hasn't texted me at all today. He told me he'd be busy, but not on a Friday. He always gets off on every Friday. And I tried texting him, but he didn't text me back.*
Me: Sorry Sadie, I had to clean my room.
Sadie: It's ok.
Me: I'm gonna stay up tonight.
Sadie: Ok.
*Few hours later*
Me: Nite Sadie.
Sadie: Nite Zack.

Sadie Sink x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now