Chapter 1

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I woke up in a room full of blinding light. The buzzing of the artificial lighting indicated that I was inside, possibly at night.

Ah, Skylar. You're awake." A man, possibly in his fifties, greeted.

"Who are you?" I stayed seated, wishing they hadn't waited to kill me.

"I, my dear girl, am Mr. Wire. It certainly isn't my real name. Why would I tell you that now?" He bent down to my level. "Besides, it fits well, doesn't it, my dear?"

"For a criminal?" I spat. He returned to his formal straight stance, smiling.

"No my dear," He paused, turning to reveal the beginnings of a tattoo on the back of his neck. "A revolutionary."

"A revolutionary of what? Lawlessness?"

"Oh my dear, don't tell me they've brainwashed you too. Someone as curious as yourself must know that there is something more to us."

"Do I?"

"Well it depends. Do you?" He didn't give me time to respond. "We are simply trying to overthrow this totalitarian government to replace it with justice."

"You call crime justice? How twisted are you?" I didn't dare to address his accuracy.

"Calm down sweetheart." The man who kidnapped me interjected, appearing from the comfort of the dark shadows.

"Calm down? I've been kidnapped by mad men!" I struggled against the cuffs restraining my hands and ankles, as well as the rough rope against my torso.

"Of course. We need your help." He shrugged casually, ignoring my struggle.

"My help? What makes you think I'll help you? Why do you even want my help?"

"Listen sweetheart-"

"Don't call me that." He sighed, frustrated.

"Alright. Fine. Skylar, we need your help because you're like us. You sympathize. You want freedom. You want to overthrow the government."

"How do you-"

"We've been watching you for quite a while Skylar. But here's the catch: you have to be tested."

"Tested? For what?"

"Why do you ask so many questions? It is really unappealing. You know what? Never mind. We just-"

"We don't accept just anyone, my dear. We must test your strengths and weaknesses."

The kidnapper nodded. "You will face major trials, and your strength will be tested."

"You see, my dear, the government doesn't quite like us. They manipulate our images to that of criminals with reason."

I nodded. So the government frames them? Why? Even if they plan a rebellion, it would lead to a better life. That's all the government ever wants for us, their citizens.

"Get ready my dear. You're about to face the most horrific situations yet." Mr. Wire turned, letting the kidnapper follow him as they left.

They left me alone in this maze if information. They left me alone, lost.


Short... But hey! it's a new story. Hope you enjoy you guys :) -Tess

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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