Chapter 1

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Shanice POV

it was Saturday morning and Shay was still sleeping. As I was waking up, I looked at the picture on the side of my bed. My mom. My beautiful mom at that. I shed a tear just think about her. I know why we were put under child services. It was because she had lung cancer. She used to smoke when she was a teen up until she went to the doctors and found out... She died a couple months after. As for my dad, he was shot after making a couple drops for his trap business.There was no one to watch us...


Ja'meka POV( her mom)

" babe, I'm going to the doctors for my check up with the twins. be safe and I love you". she yelled from downstairs.

" I love you too. hurry back tho... its cold as fuck out here! be careful. love you !" he said after giving her a kiss

I got my coat and made sure the twins were warm and headed for my black Cadillac. once I got the twins settled I was on my way.

~~ at the doctors~~

I walked through the doors to see my bestfriend Denise.

D- wass good my niggah!

J- u better keep your voice down before you loose your job! what's up I ain't seen you in forever,-

D- we'll talk later, your appt. is in room 392.

J- ok see ya later.

I walked into the room waiting for Dr. Janey

As she walked in she noticed the twins immediately.

" hello, and why the twins are some of the most beautiful baby's ever", she said causing them both to giggle." let me getvthebthings ready and we will bebready for the check up"

I was waiting paitently and playing with the twins.

I cant wait to leave so I can smoke for a minute before I go home... nawl, not round my babies. it can wait, I thought before she started with the needles.

*After test*

I was giving the twins funny faces and Shanice was laughing while Shakeria was giving me faces back... she gonna have a attitude on her, I thought.

Dr. Janey came back with a sad look on her face.

" umm, doctor, you don't look too pleased... is everything ok?''I asked with a concerned look on my face.

" Ms. Robinson, I'm sorry, but you have lung cancer"...

" no no no, there must be something wrong. I don't,.. I don't, I smoke..."

I said.

" I'm sorry miss, but not even medicine can help you. its so bad that you can't be cured." she said." you only have two years left to live."

and that's when I held my head high, stopped crying and thought the best. I'm strong. and nothing can bring down a Robinson . Nothing.

I thanked the doctor for her time and told Denise I'll call her later.I headed home think about how Derrick would react. I'll just hope for the best. At the red light I looked back at the twins .

" Nothing or No one can bring down a Robinson. Always remember that" I nodded knowing they heard me.

When I got home I broke the news to Derrick. he was furious but he couldn't stay mad for long. I wrote it down in my diary that I kept for years . we both wrote !messages to the kids before my last days... they will be beautiful, strong, and independent like their parents. but they will not go through what we did.

Derrick POV

I love - no fuck that. I'm in love with J. she and my kids are all I have. and to see her go is heart breaking. do thugs cry you ask? HELL TO THE FUCKING YEAH WE CRY! Not I kno she wants the best for the twins. but today I have to make a drop at the trap and I know she would want me to go on without her. so I took the kids to my grans house fully strapped and she told mebto be sage. of course she knows I'm in the game. she was too back in the day. but as I leftbi had people watching to make sure she was good. I was almost with the rest of my crew driving down the road when an 18- wheeler smashed into me. when I woke, I saw my wife and my grans smiling.

this can't be.... I thought.

" what's going on? where am I?" I asked.

" your with us, in heaven." j told me.

I kissed her and hugged my grans.

" but grans, I just left you with the twins- THE TWINS! WHEREBARE THEY? "

" after you left, there was a knock at the door. I knew it wasn't you so I got the twins and put them in a safe place. I called one of my closest friends and told them what they needed to know and if they tried anything funny, try me so your life would be a living hell. I went to the door with a knife, kissed the twins and put their pacifires in so they were quiet. after, I remember blood and blacking out and here I am." she said with a smile.

we looked down for the twins and prayed for the best. even in heaven.


Shanice POV

after our grans ' friend' took us away, she won the rights to keep us at court and soon got married to this dude just for money. we still went to school and grew up strong and happy until we went to 7th grade and she started drug's. we got jobs and got our own place when we turned 16 and been on our own since then. we got involved with the game. we on top right now but the same people that took my dad down are the same people are trying to take us down I guess you could say we have a double life. right now were living the first one.

I went to my bathroom and did my hygeine. I came out with the towel around me and went to my walk in closet and picked out my clothes for the day.

when I was done, I went downstairs to start making breakfast. I was singing FDB by young dro until I heard shay scream. I pulled a gun from under the table and went upstairs slowly to find shay..........


a/n: cliffy for u but not for me!!! I hope people are reading and share this story, vote for this story, comment, and tell me how u feel! I feel good! this is my first official story!comment, vote, share!!!

Seriously thoo. a niqqa be wanting reads


lol but hope u enjoyed!!!!!

+who will Shanice see?

+ why was Shay screaming?

+most important, WHAT ABOUT THE FOOD!!




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