Y O U O K A Y ?💔🤕

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⚠️Warning ⚠️ this chapter contains parts with sexual assault and thoughts of suicide please don't take offence to anything in this chapter it is just fiction NOT REAL!

We arrived at the studio and it was a huge building there were other artists recording and stuff there

It was really cool there's even rappers there too but not any I recognize

We get to our area and meet up with the guys


Everyone says with smiles on their faces

"See I told you"

Mitchel said as he walked over to the set

Clinton came and hugged me

"How've you been?"

He asked


I say

"I hope Mitchel has been good to you"

He says

"Oh he has don't worry"

I say thinking about last night

"Alright enjoy yourself okay"

He says

I nod

Then Christian came and gave me a big hug

"Watch yourself with my girl kras"

Mitchel says jokingly

Christian rolls his eyes

"How you've been doing girly I hope Mitchel isn't giving you a hard time"

He says

"Well I wouldn't say it was a soft time"

Mitchel says smirking at me

I feel my cheeks heating up

"Well I'm taking that as a good sign"

Christian says laughing

"Yeah I guess so"

I reply

He smiles then walks to the set

I then sit down on the little couch they had in the corner

They practiced a couple of songs then they started to go to work on some new songs

I left to go to the washroom

On my way back this guy stopped me

He had blonde hair and clear blue eyes

"Hey I haven't seen you around here"

He said

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