chapter 4

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                                                             <Boarding school for Boys>

I wake up from my bed. and brush my teeth. You see the boys who bully you get out of bed. "Hey ugly!" they laugh 

"My name is Jackson!" I yell "Right!" they laugh i ignore them and look out the window 'dont coming for you." i hear the door knock "h-hello?" i ask "mail is here!" you get the mail and there's a cloak and letter in a box.

its says "dear son, its me your mom....listen, remember how i told you to never do magic again and stay away from the other side of our family...well your dad is dead..and your sister is queen but something happened..someone took over and your sister needs your help...your 27 now and i believe you can go to enchanted and save your sister...dont do it for it for me. i haven seen her since she was 4...i miss her..but the know. please help me. love...your mom"

I start looking out the window. then i start to smile. i look out the window and say "its been so long..i last saw you at 4...and you must be so grown!" "hey chatter mouth! get the heck over here!" one of the bullies says. i start to laugh "ok guys my time being up! im leaving!" i yell "says who?! sit down!" they yell " mom was a fairy..and my dad was sister got the fairy part..and i got the human part..But little did my mom and sister know..My dad was part magic! so watch this!" i put on the cloak then cast a spell 

"see yeah guys!" i wave good bye. and im out the building and on a horse heading to enchanted!    

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