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Hi guys! I just wanted to establish a few things and answer some questions.

First, this account is mature. I cannot ask you how old you are (nor do I have the right to) before we start roleplaying, so if you are not older than at least sixteen please just be mindful of the fact that this account is filled with themes of sex, drugs, strong & crude/suggestive language, weapons and violence. This character is part of a mafia, so please be aware of this.

Secondly, everything Chanyeol says is not my opinion, so please do not be offended if he says something you do not agree with. He is a fictional character based off of a real person. I promise I don't do anything he does in real life. xD I'll also clarify the whole multi-ship thing in another chapter, so stay tuned for that.

Thirdly, I live in America, if that was not obvious from the use of some of my language. Specifically, I live on the West Coast, which has a Coordinated Universal Time of -8 (UTC-8) so I sincerely apologize if I am not on when you message me. I already have weird hours as is but it is physically impossible for me to function on less than one hour of sleep. I also run a total of eight accounts on here so please bear with me if there's any slow responses.

 I also run a total of eight accounts on here so please bear with me if there's any slow responses

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Fourthly, I have been getting asked questions about what are the three languages I speak fluently. My native language is English, and my second and third languages are French and Spanish (respectively). I am also learning Tagalog (since I am Filipina), Korean, Japanese, Italian and Portuguese. If you are more comfortable speaking in any of these languages, go for it! Just know that if it is one of the languages I am not fluent in, that it might not be the most grammatically correct or logical sentence.

Finally, just a disclaimer, I am not katanaheroine. She and I just happen to have the same name and incredibly similar writing styles. She is also one of my best friends on here whom I have the privilege of calling my "twin" and I also love her to death. I am nowhere near her level but I am awfully flattered that some of you guys think I am.

 I am nowhere near her level but I am awfully flattered that some of you guys think I am

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Alright, stay safe and stay cool, kiddos!

Yours Truly,
{ thesparklequeen }

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