|| Chapter 1 || Graduation

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"Congratulations class of 2019!"

I throw my cap up into the air along with hundreds of other students by my side. I can't stop thinking,

This is it. No more high school.

I smile softly to myself.

To some people these past four years are the glory years of their lives, but mine didn't quite turn out that way.

In freshmen year, I lost all my best friends to the popular people while I was left by myself.

I walked alone in the crowded hallways.

I sat alone at a table meant for eight.

I worked on projects alone when you're meant to do them with a partner.

That really, really hurt.

In sophomore year, I started getting bullied by those people.

"You're so fat!"

"Four eyes!"

"Ugly bitch!"

That's also the year I became depressed. Too many nights I remember crying myself to sleep praying for friends the next day. It was so hard to deal with.

In junior year, I started to get bullied even more by those people.

Shoved into lockers.

Punched in the stomach.

Chocked by the throat.

Everyday it happened. And I couldn't deal with it anymore.

February 19th, I attempted suicide.

All I remember is tears flooding down my face and the handful of prescription pills in my hand, then everything went black. I woke up hours later in the hospital next to my parents, both of their eyes were puffy and red but they smiled when they saw I was awake, and engulfed me in a hug.

I was in the hospital for 2 months.

And finally, senior year.

I had doctor appointments every week with Dr. Willis. He had greying black hair with a bald spot in the back.

It was difficult at first.


"So Miss Robinson, how do u feel today?"

I shuffled in my seat and looked down at my palms, "Good."

"Are you telling me the truth?" He said quietly. He looked at me with concern. "You can talk to me."

My vision became blurry but I quickly blinked it away, "Why do you want to listen to me?"

He sat forward and looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Because your worth it."


I am taken out of my thoughts by the feeling of arms wrapped around my shoulders. I quickly hug my mom back and rest my head in the crook of her neck.

"Honey I'm so proud of you," she sobs out.

"Thanks mom."

I let go of her and look at my dad. He smiles weakly.

"You look so grown up," he says as his eyes start to get watery.

"Dad," I run to him and wrap my arms around his waist while tears fall down my cheeks. I really am going to miss them.

After taking a few pictures Mom exclaims, "Well c'mon let's go home,

I have a surprise waiting for you!" She grins and claps her hands together. I smile brightly and start running to the car, clasping onto my diploma.

I stop suddenly when I heard my name being called.



I know it's short, but the next chapters will be longer!

And Hayes won't show up until like chapter 3 so be patient.

Also this is my first fanfiction so please don't hate.

Share this story with your friends and vote! Thanks 😘

-Sarah 💕

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